A car (m = 2000 kg) is going around an unbanked curve at the recommended speed of 11m/s (24.6 MPH). (a) If the radius of the curvature of the path is 25m and the coefficient of static friction between the rubber tires and the road is µs = 0.70, does the car skid as it goes around the curve? (b) What will happen if the driver ignores the highway speed limit sign and travels at 18 m/s (40.3 MPH)? (c) What speed is safe for traveling around the curve if the road surface is wet from a recent rainstorm and the coefficient of static friction between the wet roud and the rubber tires is µs = 0.50?


Answer 1


a) car does not skid,  b) car skids,  c)  v = 11.07 m / s


a) When the car around in a curve all force must be exerted by friction, write Newton's second Law

Y axis (vertical)

         N - W = 0

         N = W = mg

X axis (radial

         F = m a

The acceleration is centripetal

         a = v² / r

         fr = μ N

Let's calculate the maximum friction force

        fr = μ m g

        fr = 0.70 2000 9.8

        fr = 13720 N

Let's calculate the force necessary to take the curve

       F = m v² / r

       F = 2000 11²/25

       F = 9680 N

When examining these two values ​​we see that the maximum value of the friction force is greater than the force to stay in the curve, for which the car does not skid

b) The speed of the driver is v = 18m / s, let's calculate the force to stay in the curve

         F = 2000 18²/25

         F = 25920 N

This force is greater than the maximum friction force, so it is a skating car

c) The friction coefficient decreases to μ = 0.5

        fr = m a

        μ mg = m v² / r

        v = √μ g r

        v = √(0.50 9.8 25)

        v = 11.07 m / s

This is the maximum speed

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A bicycle consists of which types of simple machines? Check all that apply. lever



Lever, pulley and wheel and axle are the types of machine it's grouped to


The wheel and axle is a simple machine that works by reducing friction in trying to move a load. This is seen in the Tyre of the bicycle

Pulley is a simple machine that creates a mechanical advantage and supports the changing of direction for a rope or cable. This is seen in the chain of the bicycle

Levers attached to the bike's pedals are pushed down to direct force into the pulley system.

A bike is compound machine.This means that it is made up of a bunch of different simple machines. Screws are used to hold the pieces together. The wheel of a bicycle is a wheel and axle. The pedals are also examples of this simple machine. The pedals are attached to a lever that turns a pulley.

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noun. a person who is connected with another or others by blood or marriage. something having, or standing in, some relation or connection to something else. something dependent upon external conditions for its specific nature, size, etc. (opposed to absolute).

Which exerts more force, the Earth pulling on the moon or the moon pulling on the Earth? Explain.​


Answer: the earth

Explanation: Earth exerts a gravitational pull on the moon 80 times stronger than the moon's pull on the Earth. Over a very long time, the moon's rotations created fiction with the Earth's tugging back, until the moon's orbit and rotational locked with Earth.

and that's why the earth pulls the moon

Final answer:

The Earth pulling on the moon and the moon pulling on the Earth exert the same amount of force on each other due to Newton's third law of motion.


In terms of force, the Earth pulling on the Moon and the Moon pulling on the Earth exert the same amount of force on each other. This is because of Newton's third law of motion, which states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. So, while the Earth's gravitational force pulls the Moon towards it, the Moon's gravitational force also pulls the Earth towards it with an equal amount of force.

Newton's third law of motion states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. In the context of the gravitational interaction between the Earth and the Moon, the forces they exert on each other are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.

The Earth pulls on the Moon with a gravitational force, and, according to Newton's third law, the Moon simultaneously pulls on the Earth with an equal gravitational force. These forces are sometimes referred to as "action and reaction pairs." The force that the Earth exerts on the Moon is often called the gravitational attraction of the Earth on the Moon, and vice versa.

Learn more about gravitational force here:



A rigid tank initially contains 3kg of carbon dioxide (CO2) at a pressure of 3bar.The tank is connected by a valve to a frictionless piston-cylinder assembly located vertically above, initially containing 0.5 m^3 of CO2. The piston area is 0.1 m^2. Initially the pressure of the CO2 in the piston-cylinder assembly is 2 bar. The ambient pressure and temperature are 1 bar and 290 K. Although the valveis closed, a small leak allows CO2 to flow slowly into the cylinder from the tank. Owing to heat transfer, the temperature of the CO2 throughout the tank and the piston-cylinder assembly stays constant at 290K. You can assume ideal gas behavior for CO2.Determine the following:

a. The total amount of energy transfer by work (kJ)
b. The total amount of energy transfer by heat (kJ)



Part a: The total amount of energy transfer by the work done is 54.81 kJ.

Part b: The total amount of energy transfer by the heat is 54.81 kJ


Mass of Carbon Dioxide is given as m1=3 kg

Pressure is given as P1=3 bar =300 kPA

Volume is given as V1=0.5 m^3

Pressure in tank 2 is given as P2=2 bar=200 kPa

T=290 K

Now the Molecular weight of CO_2 is given as

M=44 kg/kmol

the gas constant is given as

R=\frac{\bar{R}}{M}\nR=(8.314)/(44)\nR=0.189 kJ/kg.K

Volume of the tank is given as

V=(mRT)/(P_1)\nV=(3 * 0.189 * 290)/(300 )\nV=0.5481 m^3

Final mass is given as

m_2=(P_2V)/(RT)\nm_2=(200* 0.5481)/(0.189* 290)\nm_2=2 kg

Mass of the CO2 moved to the cylinder

m=m_1-m_3\nm=3-2=1 kg

The initial mass in the cylinder is given as

m_((cyl)_1)=(P_((cyl)_1)V_1)/(RT)\nm_((cyl)_1)=(200* 0.5)/(0.189 * 290)\nm_((cyl)_1)=1.82 kg

The mass after the process is


Now the volume 2 of the cylinder is given as

V_((cyl)_2)=(m_((cyl)_2)RT)/(P_2)\nm_((cyl)_2)=(2.82* 0.189* 290)/(200)\nm_((cyl)_1)=0.774 m^3

Part a:

So the Work done is given as

W=P(V_2-V_1)\nW=200(0.774-0.5)\nW=54.81 kJ

The total amount of energy transfer by the work done is 54.81 kJ.

Part b:

The total energy transfer by heat is given as

Q=\Delta U+W\nQ=0+W\nQ=54.81 kJ

As the temperature is constant thus change in internal energy is 0.

The total amount of energy transfer by the heat is 54.81 kJ

In straight line motion, if the velocity of an object is changing at a constant rate, then its position is _________ and its acceleration is___________: O changing: zero O changing; changing O constant and non-zero; constant and non-zero O None of the above



None of the above

It should be position is changing and acceleration is constant.


Since the velocity is changing, this means the object is moving, so the position must also be changing.

Acceleration is the change in velocity in time, if this change of velocity happens at a constant rate, the acceleration must be constant too.

So, for example, if the velocity were to stay the same (not changing), acceleration would be zero, because there wouldn't be a change in time on the velocity.

So in this case the answer sould be position is changing and acceleration is constant. But this isn't in the options so the correct answer is "None of the above"

Final answer:

In straight line motion, if velocity changes at a constant rate, then the position is changing and the acceleration is constant and non-zero. This is defined under the principles of kinematics and implies that as the velocity alters constantly, the object is in motion, hence its position is changing.


In straight line motion, if the velocity of an object is changing at a constant rate, then its position is changing and its acceleration is constant and non-zero. This condition is defined under the laws of physics, more specifically, under the study of kinematics.

The acceleration is constant because you're considering a situation where velocity is changing at a constant rate. In this case, the change in velocity is the acceleration, which is a constant and not zero. This situation is described by the kinematic equations for constant acceleration.

The position is changing because the object is moving. A change in position over time constitutes motion, and in this case, because the velocity (the rate of change of position) is changing, the object's position cannot be constant.

Learn more about Straight Line Motion here:



A point charge q1 = 1.0 µC is at the origin and a point charge q2 = 6.0 µC is on the x axis at x = 1 m.(a) Find the electric force on charge q2.
F12 = ? mN
(b) Find the electric force on q1.
F21 = ? mN
(c) What would your answers for Parts (a) and (b) differ if q2 were -6.0 µC?


To solve this problem we will apply the concepts related to the Electrostatic Force given by Coulomb's law. This force can be mathematically described as

F = (kq_1q_2)/(d^2)


k = Coulomb's Constant

q_(1,2) = Charge of each object

d = Distance

Our values are given as,

q_1 = 1 \mu C

q_2 = 6 \mu C

d = 1 m

k =  9*10^9 Nm^2/C^2

a) The electric force on charge q_2 is

F_(12) = ( (9*10^9 Nm^2/C^2)(1*10^(-6) C)(6*10^(-6) C))/((1 m)^2)

F_(12) = 54 mN

Force is positive i.e. repulsive

b) As the force exerted on q_2 will be equal to that act on q_1,

F_(21) = F_(12)

F_(21) = 54 mN

Force is positive i.e. repulsive

c) If q_2 = -6 \mu C, a negative sign will be introduced into the expression above i.e.

F_(12) = ((9*10^9 Nm^2/C^2)(1*10^(-6) C)(-6*10^(-6) C))/((1 m)^(2))

F_(12) = F_(21) = -54 mN

Force is negative i.e. attractive