A second-order reaction starts with an initial concentration of 0.020 M of the reactant. If the rate constant is 1.0x10-3 M-1s-1, what is the time required for the concentration of the reactant to reach 0.010 M?


Answer 1


t = 50,000s


Reaction is second order.

Initial conc. [A]o = 0.020 M

Rate constant = 1.0x10-3 M-1s-1

Final conc. [A] = 0.010M

Time = ?

1 / [A] = kt + 1 / [A]o

Substituting the values;

1 / 0.010 = 1.0x10-3 * t + (1/0.020)

100 - 50 = 1.0x10-3 * t

t = 50 / (1.0x10-3)

t = 50,000s

Answer 2


Time required is 50000s


General formula of a second-order reaction is:

(1)/([A]) =(1)/([A]_0) +Kt

Where [A] is concentration of reactant after time t passed, [A]₀ is initial concentration of reactant and K is rate constant of reaction.


(1)/([0.010M]) =(1)/([0.020M]) +1.0x10^(-3)M^(-1)s^(-1)t

50M⁻¹ = 1.0x10⁻³M⁻¹s⁻¹ t

50000s = t

Thus, after 50000s, the reactant concentration decrease from 0.020M to 0.010M

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Which of the following is malleable?
A. glass
B. pottery
C. ice
D. gold


The answer is D. Gold. Malleability, the ability for a material to be hammered or shaped into thin sheets, is a common property of metals. Among the choices, gold is the only metal. Also, gold is considered to be the most malleable metal.

Final answer:

Gold is malleable while glass, pottery, and ice are not.


Malleability is the ability of a material to be hammered or rolled into thin sheets without breaking. Gold is highly malleable and can be shaped into various forms, such as jewelry and gold leaf. Glass, pottery, and ice, on the other hand, are not malleable because they will break or shatter when hammered or rolled into thin sheets.

Gold is malleable because its metallic bonds allow its atoms to slide past one another without breaking. Glass, pottery, and ice lack these bonds and have a more rigid structure, making them non-malleable. Instead, glass and pottery are brittle, while ice can fracture under stress due to its molecular structure.

Learn more about Malleability of Materials here:



Which of the following substances would be the softest?CuO






The paraffin is the softest.  


The others materials, they have a bigger value of hardness in Mohs scale, like the CuO with a value of 3.5, the SiC with a value of 9, and Zinc with a value of 2.5.

I think the correct answer is the last option. Zinc is the softest substance among the choices given. Pure zinc is a soft metal. It is when alloyed it will became hard. Its hardness as a pure metal is only 2.5 using the Mohs scale.

How is Carbon obtained and how is it separated from other substances nearby?


Carbon is a naturally occurring element that can be obtained from various sources, both organic and inorganic. It is separated from other substances by Filtration, Distillation, and Chemical Reactions.

Carbon is the fourth-most abundant element in the universe and is a key component of all known life forms. Here are some common methods for obtaining and separating carbon from other substances:

Organic Sources: Carbon is a fundamental element in organic compounds, which are compounds containing carbon atoms bonded to hydrogen and other elements. Organic sources of carbon include:

Fossil Fuels: Coal, oil, and natural gas are rich in carbon. Carbon can be obtained from these sources through processes like combustion, pyrolysis, or gasification.

Biomass: Plant and animal matter, such as wood, leaves, and agricultural residues, contain carbon. Carbon can be extracted from biomass through processes like carbonization or fermentation.

Inorganic Sources: Carbon can also be obtained from various inorganic sources:

Carbonates: Minerals like limestone (calcium carbonate) and dolomite contain carbon in the form of carbonate ions. Carbonates can be thermally decomposed to release carbon dioxide gas, which can then be captured and processed.

Graphite and Diamond: These are naturally occurring forms of carbon. Graphite can be obtained from certain rocks and is used in various industrial applications. Diamonds, although much rarer, are another crystalline form of carbon.

Separation from Other Substances:

Filtration: If carbon is present in a solid mixture, it can be separated using filtration. A porous material (filter paper or a sieve) is used to separate solid carbon particles from other substances based on particle size.

Distillation: If carbon is mixed with liquids that have different boiling points, distillation can be used. The mixture is heated, and the component with the lower boiling point (liquid) vaporizes first, while carbon remains in the original container.

Chemical Reactions: Carbon can be separated from other substances through chemical reactions. For example, carbonates can be treated with acid to produce carbon dioxide gas, leaving behind other components.

To know more about Carbon here




Carbon products are obtained by heating coal (to give coke), natural gas (to give blacks), or carbonaceous material of vegetable or animal origin, such as wood or bone (to give charcoal), at elevated temperatures in the presence of insufficient oxygen to allow combustion.


Of the following transitions in the Bohr hydrogen atom, the __________ transition results in the emission of the highest-energy photon.A. n=6 to n=1
B. n=1 to n=6
C. n=1 to n=5
D. n=5 to n=1



  • Option A. n = 6 to n = 1


Niels Bohr was a Danish physicist who proposed the hydrogen atom quantum model to explain the discontinuity of the atom's emission spectra.

In Bohr hydrogen atom model, the electrons occupy orbits identified with the numbers n = 1, 2, 3, 4, ... Each number (orbit) corresponds to a different energy level  or state. The number n = 1 corresponds to the lowest energy level, and each higher number corresponds to a higher energy level.

This table shows the relative energy of the different orbits of the Bhor hydrogen atom:

Orbit      Quantum       Energy      Relative

              number         level          energy

First          n = 1                  1                   E₁

Second    n = 2                 2                2E₁

Third        n = 3                 3                 9E₁

Fourth      n = 4                 4                16E₁

Fifth          n = 5                5                25E₁

Sixth         n = 6                6                36E₁

Seventh    n = 7                7                49E₁

When an electron jumps from a higher energy state down to a lower energy state, it emits a photon with an energy equal to the difference of the energies between the initial and the final states.

Since the n = 6 to n = 1 transition results in the higher relative energy difference (36E₁ - E₁ = 35E₁), you conclude that it is this transition which results in the emission of the highest-energy photon, which is the option A.

Final answer:

In the Bohrhydrogen atom model, the highest energy photon is emitted during the transition from the highest energy level to the lowest energy level. For the given options, the highest energy photon would be emitted in the transition from n=6 to n=1.


In the Bohr hydrogen atom model, the highest energyphoton is emitted during the transition from the highest energy level to the lowest energy level. In our choices, the largest transition (indicating the greatest energy change) is from n=6 to n=1. This is because the energy difference between the energy levels is the greatest, resulting in the emission of a photon with the highest energy.

In general, the greater the transition between the energy levels in a hydrogen atom (i.e. the more levels the electron 'jumps' downward), the higher the energy of the emitted photon.

Learn more about Bohr Hydrogen Atom Model here:



Ethanol and dimethyl ether have different chemical and physical properties because they have different(1) functional groups
(2) molecular masses
(3) numbers of covalent bonds
(4) percent compositions by mass


Answer: (1) functional groups


The compounds having similar molecular formula but different arrangement of atoms or groups in space are called isomers and the phenomenon is called as isomerism.  

Functional groups are specific group of atoms within molecules that are responsible for the characteristic chemical reactions of those molecules.

Dimethyl ether (CH_3OCH_3) and ethanol (C_2H_5OH) are functional isomers which have same molecular formula but different functional groups attached and thus have different physical and chemical properties.

They have same number of atoms and thus have similar molecular mass of 46 and same percent composition by mass. The number of covalent bonds are 8 in both compounds.

Ethanol and Dimethyl Ether have different functional groups due to the earlier being an Alcohol with functional group (COOH)  and the latter an Ether with functional group (R-- O --R).  This is the reason why they are chemically and physically different compounds.

(Option 1)

EnergyThe energy needed to remove an electron from an atom is called



Ionization energy


Think of it this way: ions are elements with positive or negative charge. If we remove an electron, we give the element a positive charge and it becomes a cation (positive ion). Ionization energy is the energy required to do so - the more electronegative the element, the closer it holds its electrons, the harder they are to remove and the more energy you need.

Ionization energy is your answer I just took the test and passed