“Gasoline boils at a relatively low temperature (about 150°C). The kerosene is removed at around 200°C, followed by diesel oil at 300°C and fuel oil at around 370°C.” What topic is the teacher most likely talking about?


Answer 1
Answer: Well its Organic Chemistry... and is the Fractional Distillation of Crude Oil

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B. -1.0 amu
C. 0.0005 amu


Option C: 0.0005 amu (i.e. atomic mass units), approx.

Who Organized elements into four groups based on properties:


the answer is lavoiser

Final answer:

Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier, a French chemist, organized elements into four groups based on their properties: gases, nonmetals, metals, and earths. This was a monumental contribution to the field of Chemistry.


The person you're referring to who organized elements into four groups based on their properties is the French chemist Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier. Lavoisier is commonly known as the 'Father of Modern Chemistry' and his work contributed significantly to the development of this field. In the late 18th century, he sorted 33 elements into four categories: gases, nonmetals, metals, and earths, by recognizing their similar properties. This was a significant step at the time, further paving the way for the modern periodic table.

Learn more about Organization of Elements here:



What does Vitamin D do for the body?A. It transports oxygen to the muscles.
B. It converts glucose into energy.
C. It controls the way your body uses calcium.
D. It effectively rehydrates the system





Vitamin D is a molecule that is essential in the transport of the Calcium to the bones, it can be obtained from direct contact with the sun or can be obtained directly from the diet. Besides transporting the Calcium to the bones, also participates in regulation of calcium and fosfate in the kidneys and intestine promoting the calcium reabsortion at renal level and calcium absortion at intestinal level. Also modulates the inmune system, promoting the  maturation of monocytes to macrophages, improving the inmune response.

C. Controls the way your body uses calcium

What is true about the metals in group 1A, 2A, 3A?a)all form ions with negative charges
b)all have ions with a 1+ charge
c)gain electrons when they form ions
d)lose electrons when they form ions


D, becuase they have toatal no of valence electron as their group nmber and we know the metals are those who have 1,2,3 electrons in their outermost

A hypothetical element consists of 3 isotopeswith the following masses and natural abundances.
Isotopic Natural
Mass Abundance
Number %
1 39 78.8
2 40 18.1
3 41 3.1
what is the atomic weight


To calculate the average atomic weight, each exact atomic weight is multiplied by its percent abundance (expressed as a decimal). Then, add the results together and round off to an appropriate number of significant figures

39 x .788 =  30.732
40 x .181 =   5.43
41 x .031 =+ 1.24
                   39   since there are only 2 significant figures given for each mass  

Final answer:

The atomic weight of a hypothetical element with isotopes of masses 39, 40, and 41 and natural abundances of 78.8%, 18.1%, and 3.1% respectively, is approximately 39.243 atomic mass units (amu).


To calculate the atomic weight of an element from its isotopes' masses and abundances, use the formula: atomic weight = (mass1 x abundance1) + (mass2 x abundance2) + ... (massn x abundancen), where the masses are the isotopes' masses and the abundances are given as proportions (i.e., percentages divided by 100).

Using the values from your question, the calculation would be as follows:

Atomic weight = (39 x 0.788) + (40 x 0.181) + (41 x 0.031) = 30.732 + 7.24 + 1.271 = 39.243. So, the atomic weight of the hypothetical element is approximately 39.243 atomic mass units (amu).

Learn more about Atomic Weight here:



All silicate minerals must contain atoms of which of these elements? select all that apply.a. carbon
b. silicon
c. oxygen
d. hydrogen


All silicate minerals must contain atoms of b.silicon and c. oxygen. These are largely rock minerals that comprise approximately 90 percent of the crust of the Earth. The minerals vary in the composition and structure or ratio of silicon and oxygen. 


Silicon and oxygen


All silicate minerals must contain silicon and oxygen even though the name might mislead one into thinking it is only just silicon. Actually the suffix -ate in chemistry is used when an element is combined with oxygen. Which is why the carbonate ion has carbon and oxygen, the nitrate ion has nitrogen and oxygenThis repeats itself in the sulphate ion, phosphate ion, chromate ion, manganate ion etc.