Answer: The correct answer is Option B.
We are given a radioisotope which is unstable in nature. For this isotope to become stable, it has to undergo radioactive decay. There are various processes by which a radioisotope may decay:
1. Alpha decay: In this decay process, a heavier nuclei decays into lighter nuclei. The particle released is alpha particle.
2) Gamma decay: In this decay process, an unstable nuclei gives excess energy by a process of spontaneous electromagnetic process. This decay process releases .
3) Beta-plus decay: In this decay process, a neutron gats converted into a proton and an electron. The particle released is
4) Beta-minus decay: In this decay process, a proton gets converted into a neutron and an electron neutrino which is known as a positron particle. This is also known as -decay.
Radium-226 nuclei undergoes alpha decay to form Radon-222 nuclei by releasing alpha-particle.
Hence, the answer is Option B.
the correct answer for this question is radio active decay or option b ! press brainliest...
B. ecliptic plane.
C. multiple-spectrum vividness.
D. multiple-vivid spectrum.