Mr. Swanson bought a package of 10 disposable razors for $6.30. He found that each razor lasted 1 week. What was the cost per day ?


Answer 1
Answer: $6.30 ÷ 10 = $ .63 per razor and if one razor lasts a week (7 days)  Then $.63 ÷ 7 = 
$ .07 per day

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James works as a waiter. He served meals with bills of $23.59, $40.65, $30.50, and $15.68. If his total for tips was $17.67, what percent tip did he receive for serving these meals? Round your answer to the nearest percent?


Total tips: $17.67

Total meals: 23.50 + 40.65 + 30.50 + 15.68 = $110.42

Percentage = ( = (17.65)/(110.42) = 0.159844...=about 16%

Final answer:

James received an average tip of 16% for the meals he served, calculated by dividing his total tips by his total bill amount and multiplying by 100.


To solve this problem, we first need to find the total amount of bills that James served, which is $23.59 + $40.65 + $30.50 + $15.68 = $110.42. James received a total of $17.67 in tips. The percentage of tips James received can be calculated by dividing the total amount of tips by the total amount of bills he served and then multiplying that result by 100 to get the percentage. So, the calculation would look like this:

($17.67 / $110.42) × 100 = 16.01%

Rounding to the nearest percent, James received an average of 16% tip for serving these meals.

Learn more about Percentage Calculation here:


Which key features of the function representing the nail’s travel can be used to determine the amount of time it takes for the nail to reach the same orientation it had when it entered the tire?



  the function's period

Step-by-step explanation:

A periodic function has the same values in the same sequence for each period of the function. The nail will return to the same orientation after any integer number of full periods of the function.

Evaluate the expression for the given value of the variable(s). 5a+5b;a=-6b=-5

A. 19 B. 17 C. -11 D. 21


The given expression is 5a+5b The given values of a and b are a=-6 ,b=-5

Substituting the values of a and b in the expression we have :

5a+5b= 5(-6)+5(-5)

          = -30 -25 ( when a positive and a negative number is  multiplied the                            result is a negative number)

-30-25=-55 (same signs are added)

The answer to the expression 5a+5b when a=-6 anf b=5 is -55.

[The given options are not correct.]

The answer to what you have there is -55 using order of operations. 5 times -6 is -30. 5 times -5 is -25. add. You get -55.

Cuál es el resultado que se obtiene al reducir los términos semejantes en la expresión 3a + {b – 2 - [(a – b) + (b - 1)] }?


4a + b - 3, después de reducir lo que está en paréntesis primero

What percent of $257.00 is $12.85? Round answer to the nearest tenth of a percent.


If you would like to know what percent of $257.00 is $12.85, you can calculate this using the following steps:

x% of $257.00 is $12.85
x% * 257.00 = 12.85
x/100 * 257.00 = 12.85
x = 12.85 * 100 / 257.00
x = 5%

Result: 5% of $257.00 is $12.85.