If the radio waves transmitted by a radio station have a frequency of 83.5 MHz, what is the wavelength of the waves, in meters


Answer 1

Answer: wavelength =3.52m



where c=speed of the light,λ=wave length, μ=frequncy



μ=83.5/MHz =85.3x10^6Hz==85.3x10^6Hz=






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The magnitude of the external electric field at P will reduce to 2.26 x 10⁶ N/C, but the direction is still to the right.


From coulomb's law, F = Eq


F = E₁q₁

F = E₂q₂


E₂q₂ = E₁q₁

E_2 = (E_1q_1)/(q_2)


E₂ is the external electric field due to second test charge = ?

E₁ is the external electric field due to first test charge = 4 x 10⁶ N/C

q₁ is the first test charge = 13 mC

q₂ is the second test charge = 23 mC

Substitute in these values in the equation above and calculate E₂.

E_2 = (4*10^6*13)/(23) = 2.26 *10^6 \ N/C

The magnitude of the external electric field at P will reduce to 2.26 x 10⁶ N/C when 13 mC test charge is replaced with another test charge of 23 mC.

However, the direction of the external field is still to the right.

If you know the distance of an earthquake epicenter from three seismic stations, how can you find the exact location of the epicenter of the earthquake.


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When the frequency of an electromagnetic wave increases, its energy A. increases.
B. decreases.
C. stays the same.
D. It depends on the exact type of electromagnetic wave.


At the time when the frequency of an electromagnetic wave increases, its energy increased.

The following information should be considered:

  • When the electromagnetic wave increases so the energy should be increased.
  • Due to all this, the speed, wavelength all should be decreased.

Therefore we can conclude that At the time when the frequency of an electromagnetic wave increases, its energy increased.

Learn more: brainly.com/question/6201432

When the frequency of an electromagnetic wave increases, its energy also must increase. As this occurs, its speed, wavelength, and amplitude all decreases. So, the correct choice would be A. Increases. 

I hope I was able to satisfyingly answer your question. :) 

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a. Calculate the value of the gravitational force between an electron (mass = 9.11 x 10-31 kg) and a proton (mass is 1836 times greater than the mass of an electron) if the two particles are separated by 3.602 nanometers. (1 nanometer or 1 nm = 1 x 10-9 m)
F= ______ N
b. The force created in the above question is:
1. repulsive
2. attractive



a.F=7.83* 10^(-51) N



We are given that


G=6.67* 10^(-11) Nm^2/kg^2

Mass of an electron,M_1=9.11* 10^(-31) kg

Mass of proton,M_2=1836* 9.11* 10^(-31) kg

Distance between electron and proton,R=3.602nm=3.602* 10^(-9) m

1nm=10^(-9) m

a.Substitute the values then  we get

F=(6.67* 10^(-11)* 9.11* 10^(-31)* 1836* 9.11* 10^(-31))/((3.602* 10^(-9))^2)

F=7.83* 10^(-51) N

b.We know that like charges repel to each other and unlike charges attract to each other.

Proton and electron are unlike charges therefore, the force between proton and electron is attractive.

If you rub a balloon on your hair, youcan hang the balloon on the wall.
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The balloon is electrostatically charged


After rubbing it on the hair, the balloon is electrically charged, and as such, when approaching the wall it draws opposite charges from the wall creating locally on the wall's surface an accumulation of the charges opposite to the balloon . and repelling deeper into the wall those charges of the same sign.