Which statement about sister chromatids is true?


Answer 1
Answer: Sister chromatids came from the same chromosome strand that sprung into existence, daughter chromatids.

 In this stage, cytokinesis occurs, which is responsible for producing four daughter cells each with a haploid set of chromosomes. During the crossing-over phase some chromosomes are observed to have segments that have recombined with the original parent chromosomes.   
Answer 2

C is the correct answer

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The answer is second law
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Explain how trees help maintain air quality.



Trees maintain the air quality by the process of

  • Photosynthesis: maintain the gas balance in the atmosphere.
  • Reducing the greenhouse effect


Tress removes the carbon dioxide and it adds oxygen which maintains the balance of the gases in the atmosphere, during the process of photosynthesis which maintains the quality of the air we breathe.

Carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere by the trees when they perform photosynthesis,  which helps to reduce the greenhouse effect which is caused because of the high level of carbon dioxide present.

They also remove the particulates matter present in the air, which maintains the air quality.

Thus these are some ways by which trees help to maintain the air quality.

Trees "breath" in carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen during the morning, so they clean all the carbon dioxide that we breath out daily
But I have to warm you, tree does the opposite at night, if you sleep in a room with a lot of plants, you could be in danger because tree inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, they soon will consume all your oxygen XD  

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caz leafs function is photosynthesis
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Controls voluntary actions



the central nervous system


hope this helps


The motor cortex controls  voluntary actions

Type 2 diabetes mellitus may reflect declining receptor sensitivity to insulin rather than decreased insulin production. Most Type II diabetes do not produce insulin.True / False.



Type 2 diabetes mellitus generally reflect declining receptor sensitivity to insulin rather than decreased insulin production- True.

Most Type II diabetes do not produce insulin- False.


Diabetes mellitus may be defined as the group of metabolic disorder that re characterized by the high blood glucose levels in the body of an individual.The receptor sensitivity decreases towards insulin decreases in Type II diabetes.

The insulin is produced in the proper amount during Type II diabetes. The receptors are unable to respond towards the diabetes.

Thus, the answer is a)-True


Final answer:

Type 2 diabetes is characterized by insulin resistance and declining insulin receptor sensitivity. Over time, the insulin production may decrease but does not stop entirely.


The statement is partially true. In Type 2 diabetes mellitus, the primary problem is often not a lack of insulin production but rather a decreased sensitivity of body tissues to insulin, a condition known as insulin resistance. As a result, the body needs higher amounts of insulin to lower blood glucose levels. However, over time, the beta cells of the pancreas that produce insulin can become impaired and may produce less insulin, but they don't stop producing insulin altogether as suggested by the statement.

Learn more about Type 2 diabetes mellitus here:
