Explain how a starfish's body plan and anatomy enables invertebrate to perform the essential functions it needs to survive.


Answer 1
Answer: Invertebrates are known as creatures that do not have backbones. Even though these creatures do not have backbones, they have been uniquely designed in order to survive. According to studies, most of these creatures are found in the sea and one of them is the Star Fish or also called as the Sea Star. Starfish's functions and ability to survive is not the same like other animals which make them unique in a different way. The starfish's body is hard and bony for protection purposes and they exist in a variety of colors for camouflage. Their essential functions in order to survive are as follows:
-The Ability to Regenerate: Starfishes have the ability to grow damaged and lost limbs or even their entire body as long as the center part is still present and intact. And this is their way of reproduction as well.
-Having Tube Feet: Its arms are covered with a suction-like tiny cups of tube feet. This unique design of the starfishes enables them to move and secure themselves, especially on rocks and ocean floors.
-Unique Feeding Ability: Sea Stars don't have mouths nor teeth to ingest food. Rather, these creatures have the ability to push open or turn their stomachs out and digest its food. After digestion, their stomachs retract back to their bodies. 
-Vascular System: How starfishes survive does not rely on having hearts, brains and blood. Rather, they use the seawater. The seawater serves as the one the circulates inside the sea stars' bodies and this is when nutrients and oxygen are being transported and absorbed. 

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Which kingdom is known to contain organisms that have cells with no cell walls?


The answer is that the Animal kingdom's organisms have cells with no cell walls. The cell wall of Prokaryotes is murein, the cell wall of some Protoctists is polysaccharide, the cell wall of Fungi is chitin, the cell wlall of plants is cellulose, and the cells of animals do not have cell walls.

Final answer:

The kingdom Animalia, which belongs to the Eukarya domain, is known for having organisms with cells that do not have cell walls. Other kingdoms, like Plantae and Fungi, typically have cell walls.


The kingdom known for containing organisms with cells that lack cell walls is the Animalia kingdom which exists within the Eukarya domain. In the classification of life, three main domains exist: Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya. The first two mainly include prokaryotic organisms which usually have cell walls. The Eukarya domain includes four kingdoms: Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, and Protista. Among these, it's typical for Plantae and Fungi to exhibit cell walls. Conversely, Animalia comprised of animals, do not have cell walls surrounding their cells. Their cells are surrounded by a plasma membrane which offers flexibility and aids in movement and interaction with the environment. This characteristic is one of the key distinguishers of the Animalia kingdom from other kingdoms.

Learn more about Kingdoms and cell walls here:



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yo vengo de Asuncion :)
Spanish: Yo vengo de Asuncion
English: I come from Asuncion

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Organisms have the ability to regulate their internal environment in order to maintain a steady state called homeostasis. It is nature of the organisms to balance their body systems at the end of the day like how nature reinvents himself when he is too stresses. Living organisms do that to, by sleeping after doing a very demanding job.

The answer is homeostasis.

The nucleus includes all of the following structures exceptA. cytoplasm.
B. nucleolus.
C. chromatin.



Option A, Cytoplasm


Cytoplasm is the fluid contained with in the cell membrane into which all cell organelles are found including the nucleus. Cytoplasm basically has two parts a) endoplasm and b) ectoplasm. The endoplasm has all the organelles while the ectoplasm is the fluid at the periphery of cell membrane. The cell memebrane keep the cytoplasm confined  with in the cell and does not allow it to spill.

Since all the cell components are found with in the cytoplasm, it is clear that cytoplasm lies out of the nucleus. Thus, option A is correct.


The correct answer will be option- A


The nucleus is the membrane organelle which encloses the DNA of the organisms. The presence of the nucleus is the characteristic feature of the eukaryotes.

The nucleus encloses the genetic material in the form of either DNA or a loosely arranged structure called chromatin. The nucleus also contains a structure called nucleolus distinguished by a dense round structure during the interphase.

Since the nucleus lacks the cytoplasm which is enclosed by the cell membrane of the cell therefore, option-A is the correct answer.

A macrophage is a white blood cell that engulfs and digests pathogenic or foreign particles in the body.An example of this type of cell is shown below. This type of bulk transport that requires ATP is called-
A. Active Transport by Endocytosis
B. Passive Transport by Exocytosis
C. Active Transport by Exocytosis
D. Passive Transport by Osmosis


An example of white blood cells such as macrophage, type of cell is shown below. This type of bulk transport that requires ATP is called- A. Active Transport by Endocytosis

Phagocytosis takes place in specialized cells called phagocytes, such as macrophages, neutrophils, and other white blood cells.

  • Phagocytosis involves the engulfing of large particles.
  • In this cells engulf and digest pathogenic or foreign particles in the body.
  • Phagocytosis is a type of endocytosis.
  • It requires energy that comes from the active transport of a large body of substance inside cells.

Thus, An example of white blood cells such as macrophage, type of cell is shown below. This type of bulk transport that requires ATP is called- A. Active Transport by Endocytosis

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Explanation:the transporting is happening outside of the cell