Answer and Explanation:
The human being has a bone system made up of 206 bones that grow and develop in childhood and adolescence. Thanks to these bones, people can stand up and move around. The function of the bone system is to support the body, allow locomotion, and protect the organs. The bones that make up the system are linked through joints and are made up of a class of cells known as osteocytes.
The bones form various cavities that protect the internal organs from possible trauma. For example, the skull protects the brain from hits, and the rib cage, made up of ribs and sternum, protects the lungs and heart. On the other hand, various minerals such as calcium and phosphorus are stored in the bones, not only to provide them with hardness, but to later use them as an input in muscle contraction and other organic processes
The correct answer is S phase.
The critical phase of cell cycle is S phase, in this phase the DNA starts replicating.The cell cycle is called the synthesis phase because the synthesis of DNA starts in this phase. There is no chance that the cell can go back to the previous phase. The DNA within the cell starts replicating. Depending upon the level of nutrients, energy and external factors, cells must decide that they will enter into cell cycle or not.
B. Emile Durkheim
C. Daniel M’Naughten
D. Travis Hirschi
Albert Bandura
B. chloroplasts.
C. a nucleus.
D. Golgi apparatus.