As we know that if a rock is sliding under the influence of some external force then By Newton's II law we have
now we will have
now we know that if force remains constant while we tripled the mass of the block then
new acceleration of the block will be given as
so here the acceleration of the block will be decreased by 3 times
Answer: The correct answer is Option B.
We are given a radioisotope which is unstable in nature. For this isotope to become stable, it has to undergo radioactive decay. There are various processes by which a radioisotope may decay:
1. Alpha decay: In this decay process, a heavier nuclei decays into lighter nuclei. The particle released is alpha particle.
2) Gamma decay: In this decay process, an unstable nuclei gives excess energy by a process of spontaneous electromagnetic process. This decay process releases .
3) Beta-plus decay: In this decay process, a neutron gats converted into a proton and an electron. The particle released is
4) Beta-minus decay: In this decay process, a proton gets converted into a neutron and an electron neutrino which is known as a positron particle. This is also known as -decay.
Radium-226 nuclei undergoes alpha decay to form Radon-222 nuclei by releasing alpha-particle.
Hence, the answer is Option B.
the correct answer for this question is radio active decay or option b ! press brainliest...