Before it, there was little scientific thought. After it, people opened their minds to science. This is from wikipedia: Significance. The period saw a fundamental transformation in scientific ideas across mathematics, physics, astronomy, and biology in institutions supporting scientific investigation and in the more widely held picture of the universe. The Scientific Revolution led to the establishment of several modern sciences.
The scientific revolution was an important period of time that took place from the end of the Renaissance and lasted until the 18th century in Europe. The scientific revolution led drastic changes in the way the world was conceived and how humans ordered their universe and understood the world around them. The growth in empiricism, mathematics, astronomy, physics, biology, and many other scientific fields began the process of human kind gaining greater insight into the world around them in a way that was in line with empirical knowledge and the scientific method. The scientific revolution laid the groundwork for the creation of all scientific inquiry that came after this period of time.
In 1843, U.S. President John Tyler, gotseparated from the other political parties and decided to independently pursue the annexation of Texas in a bid to attain a base of popular support for another four years.
The Senate, with its wide majority, rejected the Tyler–Texas treaty. Tyler lacked the votes in the Senate for ratification of the treaty. It was defeated by a long margin in June. Before leaving the office, Tyler tried again to get their approval. This time, he got the help for the joint resolution from both the houses of Congress. Tyler managed to get the joint resolution passed by the senate on March 1, 1845, and Texas was admitted into the America on 29, December 1845.
There are several factors that transformed the US economy in the 19th century:
- Acquisition of new territories, westward expansion and access to new resources;
- the construction of railroad networks from the East Coast to the West Coast that allowed fast transportation of goods;
- invention of new devices and products that had massive demand;
- increasing use of machines that replaced hand labor and large scale manufacturing which accelerated after the Civil War;
- credit facilities by investors and bankers for businesses;
- growing urbanization and rural migration to the large cities.