What factors allowed the Americans to defeat Great Britain


Answer 1
  • Alliance with the French
  • British debt
  • Distance
  • British did not have enough supplies

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Peaceful revolutions that have occurred are the Bloodless Revolution (also known as the Glorious Revolution) of 1688 in United Kingdom, the People Power Revolution of 1986 in the Philippines, and the peaceful revolution of 1989 in Germany.


In The Prince, Machiavelli advises rulers to(1) support the arts
(2) be ruthless in achieving goals
(3) learn poetry music, and sports
(4) learn courtly manners


The correct answer is 2. be ruthless in achieving goals

According to Machiavelli, that is the only way a ruler can ensure that his reign will be long and secure. If people are scared of him they are less likely to betray him than if he's good to them.

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The Qin Dynasty came to an end with the death of the First Qin Emperor, Qin Shi Huang in 210 BC. The emperor's advisors will start an internal dispute within the dynasty for the control of power. This led to the death of both of the advisors and the second Qin emperor Qin Er Shi.

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the answer is Liu Bang

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The Emancipation Proclamation issued by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863 that abolished slavery in all states including those in the Confederacy.  It is still an important document today because it finally removed the practice of slavery in America.  Never again would people be bought or sold like property and it also defined that all people were equal and that no one had the right to enslave another.  General Order 143 that enabled slaves and free blacks to enlist in the Union Army during the Civil War. The color regiments performed well and President praised these men for their sacrifice in winning the war.  It is still relevant today , we judge not by their color but how well they perform and how committed they are to the cause at hand.

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Freedom of expression is important for democracy, because it enables the public to participate in making decisions based on the free flow of information and ideas. Without it, people would be unable to make informed decisions. Hope this helps :)

Which pair of regions are both part of the Mexican Cultural Regions of North America?


Baja California and the Yucatan Peninsula is the pair of regions that is the part of the Mexican Cultural Regions of North America.

Answer: Baja California and the Yucatan Peninsula is the pair of regions that is the part of the Mexican Cultural Regions of North America.
