Since a element has a pH number of 7, meaning it is ______. That element can be classified as neither a ____ or a _____. Also, is this a balanced equation?

C4 + O2 -----> 4CO + O2


Answer 1
Answer: If a number has a pH of 7, it is neutral, therefore, one blank is neutral. 

1. Neutral

Therefore, the element is not an acid or a base.

2. Acid, Base

That is NOT a balanced equation because:

c=4    o=2
c=4     o = 6

Not balanced, o has 6 and one side it has 4. It contradicts the Law of conversation of mass. 
Answer 2
Answer: - - Since a element has a pH number of 7, meaning it is neutral. That element can be classified as neither a acid or a base.
- - No this is not balanced.
- - This is because its no balanced considering the o has 6 sides and 4 has one.
- - Because of this it is not true based on the com (conversion of mass) This law was made by Antoine Lavoisier and using his law I was able to know that it was not a balanced equation. 

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Which equation represents a decomposition reaction?(1) CaCO3(s) ==>CaO(s) + CO2(g)
(2) Cu(s) + 2AgNO3(aq) ==>2Ag(s) + Cu(NO3)2(aq)
(3) 2H2(g) + O2(g) ==>2H2O(l)
(4) KOH(aq) + HCl(aq) ==>KCl(aq) + H2O(l)


Answer : The correct option is, (1)

Explanation :

The option (1) reaction is an example of decomposition reaction because in this reaction the larger compound, calcium carbonate decomposes into smaller molecule, calcium oxide and carbon dioxide.

Decomposition reaction : It is a type of reaction in which a larger compound decomposes into a smaller molecule or elements.

AB\rightarrow A+B

The option (2) reaction is an example of single displacement reaction because in this reaction the most reactive metal, copper displace the less reaction metal, silver.

The option (3) reaction is an example of combination reaction because in this reaction two reactants, hydrogen and oxygen react to give a single product as water.

The option (4) reaction is an example of double displacement reaction because in this reaction a positive cation and a negative anion of two reactants exchange their places to give two new products.

Hence, the correct option is, (1)

Answer (1 )

CaCO3(s) ==>CaO(s) + CO2(g)

hope this helps!.

F the solution described in the introduction is cooled to 0 ∘c, what mass of kno3 should crystallize?


Assuming the other part of the question is;

A solid mixture consists of 44.2g of KNO3 (potassium nitrate) and 7.8g of K2SO4 (potassium sulfate). The mixture is added to 130. g of water. (Assume KNO3 has a solubility of 14 g solute/ 100 g water)


26 g


-X g of KNO3/ 130 g water= 14 g of KNO3/ 100 g water  

X= 18.2 g (this is the amount of solute that dissolves at 0 degrees C in 130 g water).

if you have 44.3g of KNO3 in 130 g of water at 0 degrees celsius and only 18.2 can dissolve then  

44.2g - 18.2g = 26 g left undisolved which gives you the amount that would crystallize

KNO3 of 10g will undergo crystallization at 0 °

Because the heavier the KNO3 mass will require a higher temperature in the dissolution process.

Further explanation

Potassium nitrate is a nitrate salt compound from potassium with the molecular formula KNO3. Potassium nitrate salt can be made by reacting potassium chloride with sodium nitrate. If the saturated solution each of the solution is mixed with each other, then it will form sodium chloride salt because NaCl in water is small, the salt will settle. By cooling the filtered filtrate KNO3 will undergo crystallization

This compound decomposes with oxygen evolution at 500 ° C according to the reaction equation:

2 NaNO3 (s) -> 2NaNO 2 (s) + O2 (g)

Crystallization is separation by forming crystals so that the mixture can be separated. A gaseous or liquid substance can cool or condense and form crystals because it undergoes a crystallization process. Crystals will also form from a solution that will be saturated with a certain solvent. The more the number of crystals, the better, because the less likely to be polluted by dirt.

Potassium Nitrate has a physical white powder that is easily soluble in water and odorless. Meanwhile, to analyze the structure and characteristics of Potassium Nitrate MM2 data processing is used in the Chemoffice 15.0 application. This data processing is used to determine the shape of compounds, types of bonds in molecular movement compounds and other parts that can not be observed directly by the eye without the aid of tools. And for the form of compounds in 2 dimensions and 3 dimensions used Chemdraw 15.0 and Chem3D 15.0 applications

Learn more

Potassium nitrate



Grade: High School

Subject: Chemistry

Keyword: kno3, nitrate, crystallization

How could you test the law of conservation of matter? ( No atoms can be created or destroyed when under physical or chemical change)



By measuring the total mass of the matter before as well as after any physical or chemical change.


As mentioned, according to the law of conservation of matter, no atoms can be created or destroyed when under physical or chemical change.

Naturally, all the matters have some mass associated with it.

To verify the law of conservation of matter, at first, measure the mass of matter before it underwent any physical or chemical change. Then, again, measure the mass of the matter after the physical or chemical change.

Now, observe both the mass, both must be equal. This verifies the law of conservation of matter.

A student tested a 0.1 M aqueous solution and made the following observations:• conducts electricity
• turns blue litmus to red
• reacts with Zn(s) to produce gas bubbles
Which compound could be the solute in this solution?
(1) CH3OH (3) HBr
(2) LiBr (4) LiOH


A student tested a 0.1 M aqueous solution and made the following observations conducts electricity, turns blue litmus to red and reacts with Zn(s) to produce gas bubbles. The compound that could be the solute in this solution is HBr. The answer is number 3. 

The only ionic compound which can react with Zn(s) toproduce gas bubbles is HBr.

What is an electrolyte?

An electrolyte is a solution that is able to conduct electricity. This solution must contain ions as ions are the charge carriers in solution.

In this case, we have to look at the options and discover the compounds that are made of ions and the only ionic compound which can react with Zn(s) toproduce gas bubbles is HBr.

Learn more about


The four basic blood types are:


The four basic blood types are: A, B, AB and O.


AB, A, O and B.

What's the deffinition of igneous rock


Igneousrocks are those rocks that were formed through cooling and solidifying themolten materials. The best example for igneous rock is solid volcanic java.Lava are liquid that comes from a volcano, but once it is dried and solidify,it becomes a rock and called igneous rock.
Another example is the granite and basalt. And according to research igneousrock comes from the latin word ignis which means fire. Thus this says it all.From a liquid becomes a rock.


Igneous rock, or magma-tic rock, is one of the three main rock types, the others being sedimentary and metamorphic. Igneous rock is formed through the cooling and solidification of magma or lava. The magma can be derived from partial melts of existing rocks in either a planet's mantle or crust
