The pH level of tomato juice is 4.2. What is the hydrogen-ion concentration [H+] for tomato juice?A. 0.0004 B. 0.0006 C. 0.00004 D. 0.00006


Answer 1
Answer: The pH of a solution is related to the hydrogen ion concentration in a logarithmic function which is expressed as:

pH = -log[H+]

4.2 = - log [H+]
[H+] = 6.31 x 10^-5 M

Therefore, the correct answer from the choices listed above is option D, 0.00006 M.
Answer 2
Answer: pH = 4.2

[H+] = 10 ^- pH

[H+] = 10 ^- 4.2

[H+] = 0.00006 M

Answer D

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What has the strongest intermolecular forces of attraction?


The strength of intermolecular forces of attraction varies depending on the type of molecules involved. In general, the order of increasing strength of intermolecular forces is as follows:

1. **London Dispersion Forces (Van der Waals Forces):** These are the weakest intermolecular forces and occur in all molecules. They are caused by temporary fluctuations in electron distribution, leading to temporary partial charges. London dispersion forces are stronger in larger and more polarizable molecules.

2. **Dipole-Dipole Forces:** These forces occur between polar molecules with permanent dipoles. They are stronger than London dispersion forces and result from the attraction between the positive end of one molecule and the negative end of another.

3. **Hydrogen Bonding:** This is the strongest type of intermolecular force. It occurs when hydrogen is bonded to a highly electronegative atom (such as nitrogen, oxygen, or fluorine) and is attracted to another electronegative atom in a different molecule. Hydrogen bonds are responsible for the unique properties of substances like water and ammonia.

So, hydrogen bonding generally represents the strongest intermolecular force of attraction among these three types. However, it's important to note that the actual strength of these forces can also depend on factors such as molecular size, shape, and temperature.

Hope you understand

The shape of the nucleus is maintained byA. the nucleolus.

B. the nuclear lamina.

C. the nuclear envelope.

D. the endoplasmic reticulum.


B. the necular lamina

Which of the following is not a correct formula? A)Ba2O B)Ca3N2 C)KCl D)Li2S


Answer:- A. Ba_2O is not the correct formula.

Explanations:- Charge for Ba is +2 and charge for O is -2, Here the charges are in equal and opposite so their ratio is 1:1 and hence the formula must be BaO and not Ba_2O.

Rest of the formulas are correct as charge for Ca is +2 and charge for N is -3 . On criss cross we get the formula Ca_3N_2 .

Charge for K is +1 and charge for Cl is -1 and so KCl is correct.

Charge for Li is +1 and that for S is -2. On criss cross we get the formula Li_2S .

A solute is added to water and a portion of the solute remains undissolved. When equilibrium between the dissolved and undissolved solute is reached, the solution must beA)dilute  B) saturated  C) unsaturated  D) supersaturated


Answer: Option (B) is the correct answer.


A solution that has maximum concentration of solute particles and on adding more solute the particles of solute remains undissolved is known as a saturated solution.

Whereas when particles of solute keep on dissolving in a solution then it is known as an unsaturated solution.

Thus, we can conclude that a solute is added to water and a portion of the solute remains undissolved. When equilibrium between the dissolved and undissolved solute is reached, the solution must be saturated.

when the solute can no longer dissolve in the solution the solvent becomes SATURATED. When no more solute can dissolve and if you look at the bottom of the beaker, test tube, pan, or glass of cold tea you can see the solute permeating out as little particles .

Today, there are about how many people living on the earth?3.4 billion
7.5 billion
9.0 billion
6.6 billion



The correct answer is option B, 7.5 billion


As per the US Census Bureau, the world population in year 2016 was approximately US  

7346235000. As per the UN estimate there were 7 billion people on planet earth in 2011 and World Bank estimates say that there were 7 billion people in year 2012

The top most populated countries in coming year (along with their population) would be  

China                            1,367,485,388

India                            1,251,695,584

United States                    321,368,864

6.6 billion I got it right on Odyssey.

Calculate the number of atoms of carbon in 3.8 moles of methane (CH4)


Total, 2.28916 × 10²⁴ atoms of carbon in 3.8 moles of methane.

To calculate the number of atoms of carbon in 3.8 moles of methane (CH₄), we need to consider the molecular formula of methane, which is CH₄. This indicates that each molecule of methane contains one carbon atom (C) and four hydrogen atoms (H).

First, let's find total number of carbon atoms in 3.8 moles of methane:

Number of moles of carbon in 1 mole of methane (CH₄) = 1 mole (because there is 1 carbon atom in each molecule of CH₄)

Number of moles of carbon in 3.8 moles of methane = 3.8 moles

Now, we'll use Avogadro's number to convert moles to the number of atoms:

Avogadro's number (NA) = 6.022 × 10²³ atoms/mol

Number of carbon atoms in 3.8 moles of methane = 3.8 moles × Avogadro's number

Number of carbon atoms in 3.8 moles of methane = 3.8 moles × 6.022 × 10²³ atoms/mol

Now, let's calculate:

Number of carbon atoms in 3.8 moles of methane ≈ 2.28916 × 10²⁴ atoms

So, there are approximately 2.28916 × 10²⁴ atoms of carbon in 3.8 moles of methane.

To know more about carbon atoms here


There are 6.02*10^23 molecules per mole substances. And there is one carbon atom per molecule of CH4. So the atoms number is 3.8*6.02*10^23=2.29*10^24.