Imagine you are holding an apple. how could you increase the potential energy of this apple?


Answer 1
If you're holding the apple at your waist, lift it to your mouth.
Potential energy relative to any level is proportional to its height
above that level.  Increase that height, and you've increased the
potential energy.

Since energy is conserved ... it never magically appears or
disappears ... you need to tell where that extra energy for the
apple came from.

It's exactly the work you did ... the force of your muscles acting
through the distance you raised the apple ... that became the
additional potential energy that the apple gained.

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The answer is chemical properties :)

Chemical properties due to the changes in both

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Answer: Waves in compressed string


Longitudinal waves are waves in which the vibration of the medium is going parallel to the direction of the waves produced by the medium.

Longitudinal wave can occur in compressed string. A compressed string displaced horizontally will transmit wave in the same horizontal direction. That's why they are longitudinal waves.


It is sound waves

(I did USAtestprep)


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The speed of a particle is the instantaneous rate at which its distance of travel
is changing.

Over any finite period of time, its speed is:

               (distance traveled) / (time to travel the distance).

The direction of travel is irrelevant to a description of speed.
SPEED = total DIST. traveled / total time taken

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One of the most surprising things about a superconductor is that
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very very very small.  It becomes literally completely zero. (This is
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If you start an electric current flowing in a superconductor, you can
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While driving on a rural road, your right wheels run off the pavement. You should hold the steering wheel firmly andA: Immediately steer left, back toward the paved surface of the road.B: Steer to the right, toward the shoulder or ditch.C: Steer in a straight line while gently slowing down.



The answer is C. Steer in a straight line while gently slowing down


The following are advised when your cars go off the pavement while driving;

firstly, Do not panic.

ensure you hold on to your steering wheel tightly.

keep Steering straight ahead.

ensure you Stay on the shoulder.

Ease up on the accelerator and brake gently.

When you  know you can safely do so, turn back on the road at a much lower speed.

Final answer:

When the right wheels run off the pavement while driving, you should hold the steering wheel firmly, continue driving straight, and slowly reduce your speed. This avoids the dangers of immediately steering back onto the road or towards the shoulder.


While driving on a rural road, if your right wheels run off the pavement, the safe response would be to hold the steering wheel firmly and steer in a straight line while gently slowing down. Immediately steering back towards the paved surface (option A) can cause your vehicle to roll or veer into oncoming traffic. Steering towards the shoulder or ditch (option B) risks hitting obstacles or further losing control. By continuing straight at a controlled, reduced speed, you can safely return to the pavement when there's a break in the roadside or ample space to move back onto the road.

Learn more about Safe driving response here: