What is the difference between mechanical waves and electromagnetic waves?


Answer 1


D. A mechanical wave travels through matter, while an electromagnetic wave travels through empty space.


Answer 2
Answer: There is one major difference between electromagnetic waves and mechanical waves. Electromagnetic waves can travel through space and medium. Mechanical waves needs matter to transfer.

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It's not neutrons because neutrons don't have a charge (they're not positive or negative). They don't make a difference in the charge of an atom.

It's not protons because atoms don't lose or gain protons. They stay in the nucleus.

Electrons, however, are not in the nucleus. They fly crazy fast around the nucleus and can sometimes get sucked in by the nucleus of another atom. Electrons are also negatively charged. Gaining electrons makes an atom negatively charged. Losing electrons makes an atom positively charged.

Explain why dogs pant during hot summer days using the concept of evaporation?


Because dogs have their bodies covered with fur, sweating is less effective. Dogs have sweat glads in places where there is little fur. However this is not enough in some hot days. To keep the body temperature in order dogs have to rely on panting. The interior of mouth and lungs is wet, so breathing quickly speeds up cooling. It acts similarly to wind blowing on sweaty person's skin.

You can try it on your own. When you breathe heavily you will feel coolness :)

In order to evaporate (change state from liquid to gas) heat energy has to be delivered to water. The heat energy is taken from the body of dog, thus cooling it.

Why are objects that fall near Earth’s surface rarely in free fall?


Well, "free-fall" is the condition when the ONLY force on a
falling object is the force of gravity. 

Near Earth's surface, that's only true when the object is falling
inside some kind of vacuum chamber. 

Any other time, the object is falling through air, and its motion
is affected by air resistance as well as gravity.

The object falling near the Earth's surface is rarely under free fall because of the air resistance experienced by the body.


According to the Newton's law of gravitation, each and every body applies an attractive force on another body kept at a particular distance. This force experienced by the body is directly proportional to the product of the masses of the body and inversely proportional to the square of distance between them.

The Earth also pulls the body towards it by the action of the attractive gravitational force. When a body falls towards the Earth under the action of the gravitational force, it moves with an acceleration. The acceleration of the body when it falls freely under the action of gravity is termed as the free fall.

The earth's atmosphere plays a significant role in the motion of the object as it falls under the gravity. The air resistance experienced by the object reduces the acceleration of the object and therefore, the object is no longer under the free fall.

Thus, The object falling near the Earth's surface is rarely under free fall because of the air resistance experienced by the body.

Learn More:

1.  A 30kg block being pulled across a carpeted floor brainly.com/question/7031524

2.  Net force acting on a 200kg refrigerator brainly.com/question/7031524

3. Max and Maya are riding on a merry-go-round brainly.com/question/8444623

Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Subject: Physics

Chapter: Acceleration


object, acceleration, gravitation, rarely, free, fall, gravitation, newton's, air, resistance, atmosphere, object.

Anita is running to the right at 5 m/s , as shown in (Figure 1) . Balls 1 and 2 are thrown toward her by friends standing on the ground. According to Anita, both balls are approaching her at 16 m/s .According to her friends, with what speed was ball 1 thrown?

According to her friends, with what speed was ball 2 thrown?


Final answer:

In the context of relative velocity, Ball 1 was thrown with a speed of 21 m/s and Ball 2 was thrown with a speed of 11 m/s according to her friends.


The problem presented involves the concept of relative velocity. The speed of the balls relative to Anita is 16 m/s and she is running at a speed of 5 m/s.

If ball 1 is thrown in the same direction as Anita is running, then the friends on ground would see the speed of the ball as the sum of its velocity relative to Anita and the speed of Anita. So, the speed of ball 1 would be 16 m/s + 5 m/s = 21 m/s. Ball 1 was thrown with a speed of 21 m/s according to her friends.

For Ball 2, if it's thrown in the opposite direction to which Anita is running, then according to her friends the speed of Ball 2 would be 16 m/s (speed of the ball relative to Anita) - 5 m/s (Anita's speed) = 11 m/s. Therefore, Ball 2 was thrown with a speed of 11 m/s according to her friends.

Learn more about relative velocity here:



A body with a mass of 2,000 kg is lifted to a height of 15 m within a time of 15 s. Which one of the following statements concerning the action is true?a. The gravity force on the body is 294,000 N.
b. The potential energy of the body is 30,000 J.
c. The amount of work is 450,000 J.
d. The power exerted is 19,600 W.


So we want to know which statement is true for the body of mass m=2000kg that is lifted to a height of h=15m in t=15 s. Lets calculate each of the following: Gravity force on the body is F=m*g=2000*9.81=19620 N so a is FALSE. Potential energy of the body when it is lifted to the height of 15 m is Ep=m*g*h=2000*9.81*15=294300 J so b is FALSE. Work to lift the body is: W=Fg*h=2000*9.81*15= Ep=294300 J so c is FALSE. Power P=W/t=294300/15=19620 W So d is TRUE.

Which would be the best strategy for overcoming tobacco addiction?


by eating bananas because bananas contain potassium which helps you quite smoking hope this helps


A. Tell friends, and commit a day to start quitting.


Additional support from close friends and family is one of the easiest and most efficient ways of reducing, then quitting tobacco / nicotine addictions. (I also got this answer right on Plato / Edmentum).