What kind of molecule is formed when many disaccharide molecules are combined?


Answer 1




Disaccharide is formed by the combination of two monosaccharide sugars. Fructose is a disaccharide formed by the glycosidic linkage between glucose and fructose.

Polysaccharide are the polymers of many sugars unit linked through glycosidic bonds. When many disaccharide molecule combine together they form polysaccharides. Starch is a polymer of alpha glucose units.

Answer 2
Answer: Polysaccharide, which is the polymer of a carbohydrate.

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The options

A. Personal mortality

B. Inevitability

C. Purposefulness

D. Organicity


A. Personal mortality



It as to do with the fact that all living things must gradually or at some point die. It sees Death as an all-inclusive, inevitable, and unavoidable.

A. personal mortality✔✔✔

It is the concept that death applies to oneself, that not only do all living things die but each and every living thing will surely die.

B. Inevitability❌

It is the concept that all living things must one way or the other encounter death.

C. Purposefulness❌

It has to do with death and it's purpose.

D. Organicity❌

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Is a segment of DNA that is the basic unit of heredity and is transferred from parent to offspring.


A gene is the correct answer according to Edgunity.

hope this helps.

if im understanding your question yes it is.

The ability to detect physical energy through our visual or touch systems



detection of physical energy by sense organs, which then send info to the brain
- Detection of stimuli by sense organs
- how info gets to our brain = detecting stimuli
- allows us to pick up the signals in our environment
- ex. vision- going through eye to visual cortex and smell - going through nose.

Final answer:

The question pertains to vision and somatosensation, two sensorial systems that detect physical energies. Vision pertains to the detection and interpretation of light patterns, while somatosensation involves responses to various stimuli such as temperature, pain, pressure, vibration, and internal body movements and positions. Both systems require stimuli to reach a certain energy level, known as the absolute threshold, to be detected.


The ability to detect physical energy through our visual or touch systems refers broadly to our senses, specifically vision, and somatosensation. These are crucial to human functionality, allowing interaction and understanding of the environment. Vision is the ability to detect light patterns from the outside environment and interpret them into images. It involves converting stimuli such as light into an electrical signal in the nervous system through a process called sensory transduction.

On the other hand, our sense of touch, referred to as somatosensation, encompasses reactions to stimuli like temperature, pain, pressure, vibration, body movement (kinesthesia), and the position of bones, joints, and muscles (proprioception). Proprioception and kinesthesia are part of our general senses, distributed throughout the body with receptor cells within the structures of other organs contributing significantly to autonomic functions. This system also uses sensory transduction to convert stimuli into neural signals.

Both of these sensory systems operate on principles of threshold sensitivity, successfully detecting stimuli only once it reaches a certain minimum energy level. This is known as the absolute threshold.

Learn more about Vision and Somatosensation here:



How do homologous structures provide evidence for evolution?


The presence of a homologous structure suggests common ancestry, and further suggests that the nearest common ancestor of two organisms had the trait which is homologous. Comparison of several modern organisms with different variations of the same homologous structure can suggest what the original ancestor's actual characteristics were, and comparison of the structure in different organisms can also suggest which organisms are more or less closely related