0 (not equal sign)2
Just distribute and then combine like terms.
The Greatest common factor (G.C.D) of 9 and 11 is 1
Greatest common factor (G.C.D) is the highest number which is factor for both the given numbers.
Here the numbers are 9 and 11.
We can find the Greatest common factor (G.C.D) of 9 and 11 using prime factorization method.
In prime factorization method, each number is written as the multiple of their prime factors, after that, on comparison we can find the Greatest common factor (G.C.D).
The prime factorization of 9 =
The prime factorization of 11 =
We can observe that, greatest common factor for both 9 and 11 is 1.
Hence Greatest common factor (G.C.D) of 9 and 11 is 1
The GCF of 9 and 11 is 1
You have to divide 45/25 or used the calculator but if you want the answer to be as a fraction in lowest terms you have to simply 45 and 25 by 5
45 /25 divide by 5 will be= 9/5 if you simplify it again will be 1 and 4/5.