-prose fiction rather than poetry
-poetry rather than prose fiction
-poetry and prose fiction
-whatever was available
poetry and prose fiction
Well, can help us in many different aspects in our day to day lives. In order to be able to provide for your family you have to be able to work and make some money so you can put food on the table, sorta speak. The importance of money in our lives means a lot to us you can buy clothes and also buy supply that you need. For instance, a roof over your head.
2.__ fish out of water B.stir things up or create chaos
3.__ elephant in the room C.everyone here knows something but isn't
4.__ break a leg talking about it
5.__ hit the books D.good luck
6.__ hit the nail on the head E.study
7.__ break the ice F.exactly right
8.__ you're on fire G.start the conversation
9.__ think outside of the box H. you're doing a great job
10.__ spill the beans I.think of a different or new way of doing things
11.__ down in the dumps J.reveal a secret
12.__ heart of gold K.feeling sad or depressed
13.__ walk on eggshells L.someone who is always doing kind things for
14.__ kill two birds with one stone other
15.__ under the weather M.being very careful about what you say around
16.__ lost your marbles someone
17.__ ants in your pants N.accomplish two goals at one time
18.__ don't judge a book by the cover O.feeling sick
19.__ bull in a china shop P.gone crazy
20.__ kick the bucket Q.hyper or excited, can't sit still
R.reckless, causing a mess easily
S.get to know someone or something before
making a judgement
T.outside of your comfort zone