Please help: How does Marc Antony's rhetoric, such as his repeatedly calling Brutus an "honorable man," affect the crowd when he is giving his funeral speech in Act III? A. It makes the crowd confused over what has happened to Caesar. B. It makes the crowd mistrust what Antony has to say about Brutus. C. It makes the crowd hate Caesar for his ambition. D. It makes the crowd increasingly angry with the conspirators.


Answer 1
Answer: The best answer as to how Marc Antony's rhetoric, such as his repeatedly calling Brutus an "honorable man," affects the crowd when he is giving his funeral
speech in Act III is "D. It makes the crowd increasingly angry with the conspirators"

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Here, we are provided three specific subjects to mention in the statement. I will be providing you with two sentences so as to make it easy for you to compare and understand the process of forming a sentence.

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I have 5 MIN hurry please Read the sentence.

The boy ate the fresh broccoli.

Which sentence diagram correctly represents this sentence?


Final answer:

In 'The boy ate the fresh broccoli', 'boy' is the subject, 'ate' is the predicate verb, and 'the fresh broccoli' is the direct object. So, the sentence diagram would look like: 'boy | ate | broccoli'. The words 'the' and 'fresh' go under 'broccoli'.


In sentence diagramming, the subject and predicate are separated by a vertical line. In the sentence, 'The boy ate the fresh broccoli', 'boy' is the subject, 'ate' is the predicate verb, and 'the fresh broccoli' is the direct object of the verb. The subject goes on the left side of the line, the predicate verb on the right side, followed by the direct object. So, the correct sentence diagram would look like this: 'boy | ate | broccoli'. Additionally, the words 'the' and 'fresh' would be diagrammed underneath 'broccoli' as they modify or describe the broccoli.

Learn more about Sentence Diagramming here:



im not entirely sure about this one but im pretty sure your best bet would be the 4th answer

Which sentence uses its object pronoun correctly? A.
Nancy wrote she a very nice thank-you note.

Odessa saw Alec and he at the stadium.

Emily brought we to her clubhouse.

Aunt Mildred gave the grandchildren and me her jewelry.


The answer is D. Aunt Mildred gave the grandchildren and me her jewelry. An object pronoun is a word that can act as the object of a preposition. Some examples of object pronouns are: it, him, her, me, us, you, and them. They can come after a preposition or after a verb.

Who is Hyde?a.
Jekyll’s insane brother
Jekyll’s dark side embodied in a separate being
Jekyll’s son born out of wedlock
Jekyll in disguise



c.  Jekyll’s dark side embodied in a separate being


In "The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde," by Robert Louis Stevenson, Jekyll creates a potion in his laboratory to restrain his evil, so he turns into a corrupt and barbarus creature: Hyde. As his creation becomes more violent and cruel, Jekyll also has problems to control his transformation, so he begins to metamorphose as Hyde in his sleep and to engage in criminal activities - including murder.


the answer is c.


Hyde is Jekyll's dark side when a certain thing happens to Jekyll. I forgot what causes it ti happen but I'm sure that is the answer.

Whats the diffrence between adjective and adverb


An adjective is a word that describes a noun, while an adverb describes a verb. An example of an ajective would be a color, or something more useful, like "inconspicuously", or "inconveniantly". And adverb is usually something that ends in "ly," such as "gracefully" or "hungrily."