How do Victor’s actions develop the story’s theme? RL.2


Answer 1

Final answer:

Victor's actions contribute to the development of the story's theme by highlighting the themes of isolation, destructive ambition, and the dangers of playing God.


Victor's actions in the story contribute to the development of the story's theme.

For example, his decision to prioritize his personal ambitions over meaningful relationships can be seen as a reflection of the theme of isolation and the destructive nature of unchecked ambition.

Furthermore, Victor's refusal to take responsibility for the consequences of his actions reinforces the theme of the dangers of playing God.

Learn more about development of theme through Victor's actions here:


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It is B. I took the test, and that is the answer that showed as right for me.


Hey Dorian here, Ok so for the person/user above me the answer is B for him/her But if your in K12 then 100% the answer is D. But i'm not saying that B can't be the answer either, there btoh correct just it depends on which you vote on i recommend D because D is correct for me and i'm taking the test right now it's my final Exam so I'm trusting D over anything rn anyway Have a wonderful day, and hope ya ace what ever it is your doing, If you don't mind can you give me brainliest? If not a simple thanks will do, i love helping and don't mind at all if you need help text me and I'll message back as soon as i can.

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