The elements on the Periodic are arranged by atomic number which is equivalent to the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom.
Soaring is a science when birds remain airborne and moving without flapping their wings. They are maintaining thrust and gliding downward but staying aloft
Soaring birds is where the birds can maintain flight without wing flapping, because they using rising air currents. Many gliding birds are able to lock their extended wings by means of a specialized tendon. Some land birds such as vultures and certain hawks, sustain flight for long periods without flapping their wings.
For example soaring California Condor spreads its primary feathers so that each acts as a small, high-aspect-ratio wing. This reduces turbulence at the wingtips and helping the condor to stay aloft circling slowly in thermals.
Vultures have a low aspect ratio (ratio of length to width of the wing) which generally produce a lot of drag. Vultures overcome the problem of by flying with their primary feathers extended, creating slots between them. Each primary serves as an individual high-aspect-ratio wing. This high-aspect-ratio reducing wingtip turbulence and lowering the stalling speed of the wings. This helps vultures to circle in thermals, maintaining thrust by gliding downward, but staying aloft by sinking at a rate slower than the hot air rising.
Grade: 9
Subject: biology
Chapter: animals
Keywords: birds
(B) Grasshopper
(D) Termite
C aphid is the answer for that question
steady state
inflation theory is correct i know this because the exact definition of the inflation theory is: theory that upholds the big bang theory, but suggests there was an extremely rapid expansion milliseconds after the big bang