Does an owl have a backbone?


Answer 1
Answer: Yes because it is a vertebrate animal. 
Answer 2
Answer: Yes, an owl has a backbone.

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CRISPR-Cas9 technology is very innovative and made a breakthrough in biomedical science. What aspect of CRISPR-Cas9 making special from traditional PCR-based base changes? Briefly describe.


Here we go I got this for you:

CRISPR-Cas9 technology is indeed groundbreaking in biomedical science, and its key distinction from traditional PCR-based base changes lies in its precision and versatility.

**Precision:** CRISPR-Cas9 allows for highly specific and targeted modifications to an organism's DNA. It can precisely edit or replace individual DNA sequences with a high degree of accuracy. In contrast, traditional PCR-based methods are less precise and can introduce unintended mutations.

**Versatility:** CRISPR-Cas9 can be used not only to introduce base changes but also to perform a wide range of genetic manipulations, including gene knockout, gene activation, and gene insertion. It offers a versatile toolkit for genetic engineering and gene therapy applications. Traditional PCR-based methods are primarily focused on amplifying and sequencing DNA, lacking the versatility for such precise genome editing.

In summary, CRISPR-Cas9's precision and versatility make it a revolutionary tool for genetic editing, going beyond the capabilities of traditional PCR-based methods.

Multiple alleles _____. a. can interact and influence a trait such as eye color, b. cannot interact to influence traitsc. that interact are always sex linked
d.are made of RNA



The correct answer would be option A. It can interact and influence a trait such as eye color.


Three or more alternative alleles of a gene that can occupy the same locus known as multiple allele condition. However, only two of the alleles can be present.

The ABO blood group system and human eye color are examples of the multiple allele condition.

Eye color is determined by multiple genes. OCA2 and HERC2  Both are located on human chromosome 15. A common polymorphism in the HERC2 gene is accountable for the blue eye. A person with homozygous TT predicts likely to have brown eyes, while a person with 2 copies of C allele at HERC2 rs1293832 will have blue eyes.

Thus, the correct answer would be option A.

can interact and influence a trait such as eye color 

Why is the understanding of classification an important life skill


so that you can be organized in your home or for school or work and you can categorize things to arrange them

Answer: so that you can be organized in your home or for school or work and you can categorize things to arrange them


What part of the tooth bears the force of chewing?A. crown
B. enamel
C. pulp
D. cementum


Final answer:

The enamel, which is the hard, outer layer of our teeth, bears the force of chewing. It serves as a barrier against decay, and withstands the force and pressure exerted during the chewing process.


The part of the tooth that bears the force of chewing is the enamel. Enamel is the hard, outer surface layer of our teeth that serves as a protective barrier against decay. Though it is a very hard substance, enamel can be worn down with constant exposure to acids and certain foods. When we chew, our teeth work to breakdown food into smaller pieces, this action is borne primarily by the enamel. It is the enamel that withstands the force and pressure exerted during the chewing process and protects the interior parts of the tooth (dentin, pulp, cementum).

Learn more about Tooth Enamel here:


Final answer:

The enamel, which is the hardest and most highly mineralized part of the human body, handles the force of chewing. It protects the inner, softer areas of the tooth from damage due to chewing and biting. It's crucial to look after your enamel to prevent problems like cavities and other dental issues.


The part of the tooth that bears the force of chewing is the enamel. The enamel is the hardest and most highly mineralized substance in the human body. It forms the outermost layer of the tooth and is responsible for protecting the softer tissues inside the tooth from the impact of biting and chewing. The enamel's main function is to withstand the great forces exerted when we chew and grind food, and as such, it needs to be remarkably strong and durable.

In contrast, the crown refers to the visible part of the tooth, the pulp contains the tooth's nerves and blood vessels, and the cementum covers the root of the tooth and helps anchor the tooth to the jawbone.

It is essential to take care of your enamel by practising proper oral hygiene, such as brushing and flossing regularly, to prevent wear and tear, dental cavities, and other dental issues that can weaken the enamel.

Learn more about tooth enamel here:


Which water source may become polluted as it travels over land?ponds


D. Runoff

Hope this helps :))


I believe runoff water

Hemoglobin functions to transport ...... ?


Hemoglobin is an important component of red blood cells that functions in transporting majority of oxygen in the body. One hemoglobin can bind to up to four oxygen molecules because of its four subunits. If the oxygen carrying ability of hemoglobin is decreased, carbon dioxide and temperature will increase and pH will decrease.