Write the ionic equation for the reaction of aqueous propanoic acid with aqueouspotassium hydroxide.


Answer 1
Answer: The ionic equation for the reaction of aqueous propanoic acid (CH3CH2COOH) with aqueous potassium hydroxide (KOH) can be written as follows:


In this equation, propanoic acid (CH3CH2COOH) reacts with hydroxide ions (OH-) from potassium hydroxide (KOH) to form the propanoate ion (CH3CH2COO-) and water (H2O).

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Burning fossil fuels in a low oxygen environment will most likely produceA) carbon monoxide.
B) hydrogen peroxide.
C) sulfuric acid.
D) methane.


Final answer:

Burning fossil fuels in a low oxygen environment most likely produces carbon monoxide due to incomplete combustion. This is because there isn't enough oxygen to react with carbon, leading to formation of carbon monoxide instead of carbon dioxide. The correct option is A.


When fossil fuels are burned in a low-oxygen environment, the most likely product will be carbon monoxide (A). This occurs because in a low-oxygen environment, there is not enough oxygen to react with the carbon atoms in the fossil fuels to form carbon dioxide, which is the normal product of combustion in a high-oxygen environment. Instead, each carbon atom reacts with only one oxygen atom, forming carbon monoxide instead of carbon dioxide. It's also important to note that the production of carbon monoxide in such situations is a significant health hazard as it is a poisonous gas.

Learn more about Burning of fossil fuels here:



CHEMISTRYWhich of the following properties of an element is least likely to change with beta decay?

A. the mass number
B. the period number
C. the atomic number
D. the name of the element

When a nucleus has too many protons, it can absorb an electron and create _________.

A. a proton
B. a neutron
C. an electron
D. an alpha ray

Which of the following occurs in beta decay?

A. A neutron of an atom emits a high energy proton.
B. A neutron of an atom emits a high energy electron.
C. An electron of an atom emits a high energy proton.
D. A neutron of an atom emits a second high energy neutron.

What kind of ray is given off after electron capture?

A. a beta ray
B. a delta ray
C. an alpha ray
D. a gamma ray


number 1.c
number 2.a
number 3.b
number 4.d


Which of the following occurs in beta decay?

Answer: A neutron of an atom emits a high energy electron.


Via Educere/ Founder's Education

A gas has experienced a small increase in volume but has maintained the same pressure and number of moles. According to the ideal gas law, how has the temperature of the gas changed?


temperature has increased

Ideal Gas Law:

pressure * volume = (number of moles of gas) * (0.08206) * (temperature)

or short-hand:
PV = nRT

this equation can be transformed to solve for temperature as:
T = PV / nR

given there is no change in pressure and the volume of the container has increased, we know the temperature increases because volume is in the numerator--a larger number on top reflects an overall greater number.

B) It has increased slightly

Which of the following is least likely to form bonds? helium hydrogen nitrogen oxygen


Answer: Helium is least likely to form bonds.


Helium has the electronic configuration 1s^(2). As the 1s sub-shell is completely filled so there is no need for helium to form bonds with other atoms.

Whereas, nitrogen has the electronic configuration 1s^(2) 2s^(2) 2p^(3). As the p sub-shell is half filled, it has the tendency to accept more electrons. Therefore, nitrogen is more susceptible to form bonds as compared to helium.

Thus, it is concluded that helium is least likely to form bonds.

Helium as it's a nobel gas and therefore does not need to form any bonds to get a full shell of outer electrons (as its shell is already full) making it stable.

Light of a certain energy shines on a metal and causes electrons to be emitted. Based on the research of Albert Einstein, what change would most likely result in stopping the emission of electrons from this metal?


Light of certain energy shines on a metal and causes electrons to be emitted. Based on the research of Albert Einstein, the change that would most likely result in stopping the emission of electrons from this metal is to coat the metal.

your answer is: the use of that light has a lower frequency

Which properties increase when moving down a group of the periodic table?Select all that apply.

valence electrons
atomic radii
atomic mass



When we move down a group then there will be increase in number of shells present in an atom. Due to this there will be increase in atomic radii of the atom.

As a result, there will be increase in atomic mass of the atom also. Whereas reactivity of metals increases on moving down the group as the valence shell moves away from the nucleus. So, it becomes easy for the metal atom to lose an electron.

On the other hand, reactivity of non-metals decreases on moving down the group.

So, we can conclude that properties increase when moving down a group of the periodic table are atomic radii and atomic mass.

Atomic Mass.

Reactivity decreases as you go down a group.

Atomic Radius also decreases as you go down a group.

Valence electrons are the same within a group.

Atomic mass, however, increases as you go down a group.

Hope this helps!