The compound C3H6 can react with bromine. Write an equation for this reaction and name the product formed. State the visible change which accompanies the reaction.


Answer 1


C3H6 + Br2 = C3H6Br2

The product formed is 1,2-dibromopropane.

The red-brown color of the bromine disappears, leaving a colorless liquid


C3H6 + Br2 = C3H6Br2

The product formed is 1,2-dibromopropane.

This is a direct addition reaction.  The one molecule of bromine (Br2) joins the organic compound C3H6 to form one molecule of C3H6Br2.

This seemed unlikely at first, but one must look more closely at the C3H6.  This is not a straight alkane (e.g., propane).  Propane has the formula C3H8:


The molecule C3H6 is propylene (or propene).  It has a double bond between two carbons.


The compound in the question is propylene.  When exposed to bromine, the carbon double bond breaks and a bromine atom is attached to each carbon:

   H3-CH-CH=CH2 + Br2 = H3-CH-CHBr-CHBr

When propene reacts with bromine, the red-brown color of the bromine is lost and the product is a colorless liquid.

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Background Info:The standard enthalpy of formation H∘f) is the enthalpy change that occurs when exactlymol of a compound is formed from its constituent elements under standard conditions. The standard conditions are atm pressure, a temperature of 25 ∘C , and all the species present at a concentration of M . A "standard enthalpies of formation table" containing ΔH∘f values might look something like this:SubstanceΔH∘fH(g)218 kJ/molH2(g)kJ/molBa(s)kJ/molBa2+(aq)−538.4 kJ/molC(g)71 kJ/molC(s)kJ/molN(g)473 kJ/molO2(g)kJ/molO(g)249 kJ/molS2(g)129 kJ/mol

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EXPRESS ANSWER AS A CHEMICAL EQUATION. Please explain for me too!!!


You will get at first carbon dioxide by burning C:
Burn hydrogen to obtain water:
Combine them:
Now react it with Ba:
To sum up, the reaction is Ba+C+(3)/(2)O_2=BaCO_3, using hydrogen as a catalyst.


You will get at first carbon dioxide by burning C:


Burn hydrogen to obtain water:


Combine them:


Now react it with Ba:


To sum up, the reaction is Ba+C+\frac{3}{2}O_2=BaCO_3, using hydrogen as a catalyst.


A solution containing 1000g of an unknown substance in 12.3g of naphthalene was found to freeze at 1.2∘C. What is the molar mass of the unknown substance?


Answer: Therefore, the molar mass of the unknown substance is 68.4 g/mol.

Explanation: We can use the freezing point depression equation to solve for the molar mass of the unknown substance:

ΔT = Kf × m

where ΔT is the change in freezing point, Kf is the freezing point depression constant of the solvent (naphthalene), and m is the molality of the solution.

First, we need to calculate the molality of the solution:

molality = moles of solute / mass of solvent (in kg)

We don't know the number of moles of the unknown substance, but we can assume that the naphthalene does not contribute significantly to the total mass of the solution (since its mass is much smaller than the mass of the unknown substance). Therefore, we can use the entire mass of the solution (1000g + 12.3g = 1012.3g) as the mass of solvent.

mass of solute = 1000g

mass of solvent = 12.3g

mass of solution = 1012.3g

molality = (1000g / molar mass) / (12.3g / 1000g) = 81.3 / molar mass

Next, we need to calculate the change in freezing point:

ΔT = 1.2∘C

Finally, we can use the freezing point depression constant of naphthalene to solve for the molar mass of the unknown substance:

Kf for naphthalene = 6.8∘C/m

ΔT = Kf × m

1.2 = 6.8 × (81.3 / molar mass)

molar mass = 68.4 g/mol

Therefore, the molar mass of the unknown substance is 68.4 g/mol.

Which will become completely dissociated when dissolved in water? Ammonia pyridine sulfuric acid or acetic acid



sulfuric acid


Sulfuric acid is a strong electrolyte.

- Strong electrolytes dissolve completely in water.

Acetic acid and Ammonia is a weak electrolyte.

- Weak electrolytes only partially dissolve in water.

- Hope this helps! If you need further explanation or more help please let me know; I would be glad to help anytime.


sulfuric acid


The nitrogenous bases cytosine and thymine area. purines.
b. a phosphate group.
c. a sugar group.
d. pyrimidines.


Purines are adenine and guanine. So the answer should be D (Pyrimidines). besides, phosphate group and pentose sugar are a part of a nucleotide.

What is an ionice equation with phases for the following chemical reaction: 2HBr(aq)+BaOH2(aq)-->2H2O(l)BaBr2(aq)?


Molecular reaction 

2HBr(aq) Ba(OH)2 (aq) = 2H2O (l) BaBr2(aq) 

Ionic equation 

2H 2Br- Ba 2 2OH- --------> Ba 2 2Br - 2H2O 

Net ionic equation 

2H (aq) 2OH- (aq)- ---------> 2H2O (l)

Which is most likely why many scientists reject the cold fusion theory?


Since there are no choices provided for this question, the answer to why many scientists reject the cold fusion theory is that the experiment by Fleischmann and Pons that had the strongest claim was found out to be flawed. Many scientists who also replicated the experiment failed to obtain positive results which further weakened the claim for cold fusion theory. 

quick check answers: (you're welcomeee)

1. d

2. d

3. d

4. c

5. d

6. b

100% correct as i just finished it.

ANSWER:  the original results have not been replicated consistently and reliably. | the only way for cold fusion to become a reliable theory is if scientists repeat this experiment is to make sure the results are repeatable.  If a scientist cannot reproduce it anywhere in the world, then its deemed unaccepted as a theory.