Which does not occur during translation? tRNA pairs with complementary mRNA. A peptide bond is created between amino acids. DNA is transcribed into a complementary strand of mRNA. A chain of amino acids, linked by peptide bonds, is formed..


Answer 1

The transcription of DNA into a complementary strand of mRNA does not take place in translation.  

In genetics and molecular biology, translation refers to the procedure in which ribosomes in the Endoplasmic reticulum or cytoplasm produce proteins after the procedure of transcription of DNA to RNA takes place in the nucleus of the cell.  

In translation, the mRNA is deciphered in a ribosome to generate a particular chain of amino acid or polypeptide.  

Answer 2

DNA transcription into a complementary strand of mRNA does not occur during translation process.

Further Explanation


  • Translation refers to the process by which proteins are synthesized in the cell. The process takes place in organelles known as ribosomes found either freely suspended in the cytoplasm or attached to the surface of the rough endoplasmic reticulum.
  • During the process of translate the genetic code carried by the messenger RNA is decoded by the help of a transfer RNA and is used to make sequence of amino acids and then proteins.
  • mRNA contains codons such that each codon codes for a specific amino acids.
  • Each codon is decoded to form an amino acid that is attached to another and so forth forming a polypeptide and consequently a protein.
  • Codon in this case refers to a three nucleotide bases that are read together during translation and codes for a particular amino acid.
  • tRNA is responsible for bringing amino acids to the ribosomes since it contains the anticodons that are complementary to the codons on the mRNA


  • This is the process that occurs before translation in the nucleus of a cell. Information carried by the DNA is copied to a complementary messenger RNA.
  • The process of transcription is catalyzed by enzyme RNA polymerase which acts on DNA to produce a molecule of mRNA.

Keywords: Translation, messenger RNA, transcription, ribosomes.

Learn more about:  

Level: High school  

Subject: Biology  

Topic: Gene expression

Sub-topic: Translation  

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this is you answer


Micropropagation is the artificial process of producing plants vegetatively through tissue culture or cell culture techniques. In this artificial process of propagation, plants are produced invitro by asexual means of reproduction or by vegetative propagation.

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What discovery led Darwin to develop his theories on adaptation?a.
The Galapagos islands contain a range of habitats.
The Galapagos islands originate from volcanoes.
The birds Darwin found in the Galapagos were different types of finches, not separate types of birds.
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The answer is C. During one of his explorations, naturalistCharles Darwin reached the Islands of the Galapagos. He observed that there arethe same species of animals on different islands, but have noticeabledifferences. He found in Galapagos, that there were finches, a type of bird,with different type of beaks. Birds used their beaks to acquire food. It ledhim to discover that species developed over time to fit their way of life insurviving and getting their food.

The correct answer form all of the given options is (c) The birds Darwin found in the Galapagos were different types of finches, not separate types of birds.

Further explanation:

Adaptation theory given by Charles Darwin is also called survival of the fittest theory or just survival theory, it explains the ability of the organism to adapt to the changes of the environment over generations and give rise to new form of species.

Darwin named this theory natural selection stated that;

  • Adaptation is the survival process through which species become suited to the surrounding environmental changes. There is process called genetic variation in which species with best suited genes or characteristics has better chances to survive and reproduce.
  • Over a period of several generations the genetic make-up of the surviving species will slowly change and become completely adapted to the need of the physical environment.
  • Some of the most important distinguished feature Darwin noticed regarding different species was found on nearby island of Galapagos which had similar but not identicalspecies of finches living on them, each finches species had distinguishable feature but they are adeptly suited to their respected environment. Some of them had large and tough beak whereas others had sharp and thin beak. Finally he noticed that finches found on the Galapagos island were similar to mainland Ecuador but different form elsewhere.
  • Darwin furthermore noticed the turtles from two different islands one turtle population had short legs and they ate food that was low on the groundand the other one had long legs because the food source was much higher up. So the theory was that when the turtle migrated to another island in the search of food, there the food source was much higher up so, the turtle with long legs survived and evolved.

There is internal adaptation as well which cannot be seen from outside the body for example vertebrates adapting to regulate their body temperature.

Learn more  

Answer Details:

Grade: High school

Subjest: Biology

Chapter: Darwin’s theory of evolution  


Finches, adaptation, species, natural selection, characteristics, genes, genetic variation, Galapagos.

Which of the following is LEAST likely to be important in holding the components of a biological membrane together? hydrophobic interactions between the phospholipid tails and the surface of intergral membrane proteins buried in the membrane polar interactions among the phospholipid head groups on the same surface of the membrane hydrophobic interactions among the fatty acid tails of phospholipids on opposite sides of the membranes covalent interactions between the phospholipid and protein components of the membrane hydrophobic interactions among the fatty acid tails of phospholipids on the same side of the membrane


The component that is LEAST likely to be important in holding the components of a biological membrane together is C: "covalent interactions between the phospholipid and protein components of the membrane".

The biological membrane is made up of a lipid bilayer, with the hydrophobic tails of the phospholipids facing inward and the hydrophilic heads facing outward. The main forces that hold the membrane together are hydrophobic interactions between the phospholipid tails and the surface of integral membrane proteins buried in the membrane, polar interactions among the phospholipid head groups on the same surface of the membrane, and hydrophobic interactions among the fatty acid tails of phospholipids on opposite sides of the membrane.

Covalent interactions between the phospholipid and protein components of the membrane are not typically important in holding the membrane together. These interactions are much stronger than the other types of interactions and are not typically found in biological membranes. Instead, the membrane components are held together by weaker, non-covalent interactions that allow for the fluidity and flexibility that is necessary for the membrane to function properly.

You can learn more about  biological membrane at



Carries sperm from the testis to the uretha


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