A baker touches a pie right after taking it out of the oven. Which statement best explains why the pie feels hot?A.Molecules in the skin move faster than molecules in the pie, so heat is transferred to the pie.
B.Molecules in the pie move faster than molecules in the skin, so heat is transferred to the skin.
C.Molecules in the skin move faster than molecules in the pie, so heat is transferred to the skin.
D.Molecules in the pie move faster than molecules in the skin, so heat is transferred to the pie.


Answer 1
Answer: The answer is letter B, because according to the Second Law of Thermodynamics heat can only move from a hotter body to one of colder temperature. So that's your answer: as the molecules in the pie move faster (are hotter) than the ones in the skin, heat is transfered from the pie to the skin.
Answer 2


Hello! The answer would be B

"Molecules in the pie move faster than molecules in the skin, so heat is transferred to the skin"



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Answer: 1.0 * 10^(20) formula units


so lets start off by looking at what we have. we have 7.3 * 10^(-3) g of LiCl

which is called Lithium Chloride. in order to convert g to moles, we divide the g by the molar mass of Lithium Chloride.

whip out that HANDY DANDY PERIODIC TABLE man the PERIODIC TABLE WILL SAVE YOUR LIFE SOME DAY! someone will walk up to you all mean, and youll be like, "what, you tryna MUG me?" and then you whack 'em with the periodic table like BAM! GOTTEM!

okay so lets look at the periodic table and we notice that the atomic mass of Lithium is 6.941 and the atomic mass of Chlorine is 35.453. notice that in LiCl there is only one of each. so lets add 6.941 + 35.453 = 42.394 g/mol.

now look at what we were given: converting the given quantity to standard format instead of scientific format, we have 0.0073 grams of lithium chloride. we can convert this to moles by dividing it by its molar mass which is 42.394. 0.0073 / 42.394 = 1.72 * 10^(-4)

now lets use AVOCADOS NUMBER i mean AVOGADROS NUMBER!! which is 6.02 * 10^(23)

multiply (1.72 * 10^(-4)) * (6.02 * 10^(23)) and we get 10.35 * 10^(19) formula units.

if you want to be specific about the significant figures, notice that the given quantity in the question only has two significant figures. so we can alter our final answer to only have two sig figs. lets change it: 1.0 * 10^(20) formula units

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Electrons do not follow circular orbits around the nucleus


Bohr's model of the atom is a combination of elements of quantum theory and classical physics in approaching the problem of the hydrogen atom. According to Neils Bohr, stationary states exist in which the energy of the electron is constant. These stationary states were referred to as circular orbits which encompasses the nucleus of the atom. Each orbit is characterized by a principal quantum number (n). Energy is absorbed or emitted when an electron transits between stationary states in the atom.

Sommerfeld improved on Bohr's proposal by postulating that instead of considering the electron in circular orbits, electrons actually orbited around the nucleus in elliptical orbits, this became a significant improvement on Bohr's model of the atom until the wave mechanical model of Erwin Schrödinger was proposed.


Electrons do not follow circular orbits around the nucleus


Iron has density of 7.9g/cm3. What is the mass of a cube with the length of one side equal to 1.64x10squared cm3?


Given data:

Density of iron (Fe) = 7.9 g/cm3

Length of one side of the iron cube = 1.64 * 10^2 cm

Now, the volume (V) of a cube in which the length of the side is 'a' cm is given as:

V = a^3

Volume of iron cube = (1.64 *10^2 cm)^3 = 4.41 * 10^6 cm3

The density (D) of an object of mass (m) and volume (V) is given as:

D = m/V

or, m = D*V

Therefore, mass of iron cube = 7.9 g/cm3 * 4.41 * 10^6 cm3

                                                = 34.84 *10^6 g

What is an extensive property? *A property that changes if temperature changes
A property that will NOT change if temperature changes
A property that changes if the amount of substance changes
A property that does NOT change if the amount of substance changes
Help :( pls



A property that changes if the amount of substance changes


An extensive property is a property that depends on the amount of matter in a sample.

Final answer:

An extensive property changes if the amount of substance changes. For instance, mass and volume are extensive properties as they would vary depending on the amount of substance.


An extensive property is a property that changes if the amount of substance changes. For example, mass and volume are extensive properties. If you have two separate samples of a substance, each with a different amount, their mass and volume would be different. On the other hand, the melting point or boiling point of the substance, which are examples of intensive properties, would not change regardless of the amount of substance.

Learn more about extensive property here:



What is impossible for a machine to do?A. do a greater amount of work than the amount of work done on the machine
B. apply a force in a direction that is different than the direction of the force applied to the machine
C. move an object a greater distance than the distance that part of the machine was moved
D. apply a force that is less than the force that is applied to the machine





move an object a greater distance than the distance that part of the machine was moved


a, sorry for late answer!!


Energy travels in what direction?


Final answer:

Energy spreads from its source in various ways depending on the type of energy. Heat travels through conduction, convection, and radiation, while mechanical energy like sound travels in waves.


In general, energy travels in all directions from its source depending on its type. For instance, heat energy propagates in a pattern called conduction, convection, or radiation. In conduction, it travels through the material in direct contact, like a metal spoon in a hot soup. Convection is the transfer of energy through fluids and gases, like warm air rising. While in radiation, energy moves in all directions in the form of electromagnetic waves, think sunlight or microwave radiation.

In the case of mechanical energy like sound, energy moves in waves outwards from a source, like sounds waves spreading after a drum is struck.

Learn more about Energy Travel here:



Final answer:

Energy travels in different ways depending on the context, which includes methods like conduction, convection, and radiation. Energy can also be transferred through work and it propagates in the direction of electromagnetic waves. In a star, energy transport is primarily through electromagnetic radiation and can travel in any direction.


Energy travels in different ways depending on the context. It can move through conduction, convection, and radiation. In conduction, energy transfers through molecules colliding with one another. In convection, energy gets transported through the currents of warm material rising towards cooler layers. In radiation, energy is conveyed through the movement of energetic photons from the hot material that gets absorbed by another material.

In addition, energy can be transferred through work, where a force exerted on an object in the direction of the object's motion transfers the energy. This can be seen when lifting a briefcase, where the exerted force does work on the briefcase, transferring energy to it. Furthermore, in the context of electromagnetic radiation, energy also propagates in the direction of the waves, where shorter, tighter waves carry more energy compared to longer, stretched-out waves.

Inside a star, unless convection occurs, the significant mode of energy transport is through electromagnetic radiation. In this case, a photon absorbed while traveling outward in a star might be radiated back toward the center of the star or towards its surface, indicating that energy can travel in any direction.

Learn more about Energy Travel here:
