The lower back pain and bilateral leg pain is due to over and intense physical activity which causes stretching of ligaments and muscles resulting in back and leg pain. Such pain can be managed by limited or by reducing physical activity. The dark color of urine is due to the presence of bile (bilirubin) in the urine. Here the patient has a past medical history of alcohol abuse. Excessive alcohol intake enhances gut permeability resulting in enhanced absorption of bacterial endotoxins. Excessive endotoxins in the liver cause damage of the kupffer cells in the liver, resulting in the release of bilirubin in the blood which ultimately passes through kidneys into the urine.
Answer: Double Helix model of DNA
Explanation: Which description best explains Watson and Crick's DNA model?. A:DNA single stranded molecule that has nitrogenus base towards its exterior . . B:DNA is a double-helix made of 2 strands linked together with hydrogen bonds . C:DNa is a double-helix that contains nitrogenious bases towards its exterior.
The double Helix model of DNA proposed by Watson and Crick is the most widely accepted model for the structure of the DNA. It features a right-handed double stranded polynucleotide DNA with molecules spirally twisted around each other and coiled around a common axis. Consisting of two sugar-phosphate backbones on the outside, it is bounded together held by hydrogen bonds between pairs of four nitrogenous bases (A, C, G and T) on the inside with pairing occurring always between A and T and, C and G.
B. radiant
c. electrical
Clinical study report. In medicine, a clinical study report (CSR) on a clinical trial is a document, typically very long, providing much detail about the methods and results of a trial. A CSR is a scientific document addressing efficacy and safety, not a sales or marketing tool; its content is similar to that of a peer-reviewed academic paper.
Moving up the food chain, the energy available to the organisms decreases due to metabolic heat. (You can add the second law of thermodynamics into it, if you want)
For example, in the rules of tens, the plants start with 100% of the energy but the fi red t level consumers gain 90% of the energy due to the fact energy transfers through heat.
Because of the change is available energy, consumers at the higher levels of the food chain are forced to hunt larger amounts of prey to sub stain themselves.
A few ways could be
-toxic waste
-trash and plastic
-indirect contamination
-bacteria and parasites
-burning fossil fuels
-direct marine dumping
-oil leak
-chemical pesticides
These are the 10 I found and came up with but there are many detrimental ways that we directly and indirectly effect the pollution of water.
Heat is also produced as a result of this reaction.
Therefore, heat is also produced as a result of glycolytic reaction (cellularrespiration).
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