What is a summary for The Monkeys paw part 4


Answer 1


The monkey's paw grants the owner three wishes. Sergeant-Major Morris throws the paw into the fire, but Mr. White quickly snatches it from the flames. Morris warns the family of its power and suggests they throw it back in the fire.

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"he spreads his arms wide"  & "he put his back to all"

Hope this helps


a and c


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Which statement is the most objective summary of the passage?Craving sweetness leads to developing poor habits around food.
New sources of sweetness use better techniques than the old sources did.
Chemists conduct work that is not interesting to much of the public.
Sugar cane is no longer the main source of sweetness for most people.


Answer: Sugar cane is longer the main source of sweetness for most people


According to the passage, people crave sweetness, now more than ever since there are several ways to satisfy that need.

The people now satisfy their urge for sugar by eating sugary snacks and drinking sodas rather than taking sugar cane which was the main source of sweetness for most people before.

Therefore, the objective summary of the passage is that sugar cane is no longer the main source of sweetness for most people.

Sugar cane is no longer the main source of sweetness for most people: this is the most objective summary of the passage. Thus, option D is the correct option.

The passage conveys a factual shift away from sugar cane as the primary sweetener for a majority of individuals. This summary precisely captures the objective essence of the passage's message, highlighting the change in sweetness source without introducing personal opinions or interpretations.

The statement underscores a significant transformation in dietary habits and sources of sweetness, providing an impartial and concise representation of the original passage. It refrains from adding extraneous details, focusing solely on the information presented in the passage.

Thus, option D is the correct option.

Learn more about summary here:



Probably the full passage is:

We all crave sweetness, now more than ever since there are so many ways to satisfy that need. And there are still sugar plantations where the work is brutal. In places like the Dominican Republic (Haiti's island neighbor), some sugar work is not very different from what it was for Marina's Indian ancestors in British Guiana: hard, poorly paid labor by people who are often mistreated. But for most of us, chemists have more to say about how we satisfy that taste than do overseers. When sugar is in the headlines, critics speak about how much of it we eat, not who picked the crop. Doctors warn that young people are gaining too much weight from eating sugary snacks; parents learn that kids who drink too many sweet sodas can cycle between manic sugar "highs" and grinding sugar "crashes." No one worries about where the sweetness comes from. Our diet was transformed by the Age of Sugar, but that era is over.

Select the correct answer.What is the meaning of "point of view" in a short story?

A. the perspective from which a story is told

B. the central idea of the story

C. the time when the story takes place

D. the place where the story is set Reset





meaning the perspective from which a story is told

I like getting long letters.





Here is your letter


Hi you!

You don’t know me, and I don’t know you. But that is totally ok!

My name is Harmonie, and most likely, I am not in the same position in life as you. But we have something in common: in this time we probably both miss our loved ones.

My family is all overseas, in the Netherlands, and I was supposed to go visit them last week, after not seeing them for a year and a half. Naturally, I was super bummed to have to cancel my trip.

Now, I could have wallowed in that loss, and let it affect me and my activities this week. But I am not a victim, and I don’t want to let my emotions dictate my actions.

So I started looking at the positive things this situation has brought me –. I talk to my mom more, just to catch up – as well as my sisters. Yesterday, I got to record a crafting video that will help bring some kids joy and a way to express themselves! I would for sure not have thought to do that if March had gone the way I planned it.

All this to say – I hope you get to see some silver linings in this uncertain time. Any small shimmer can give us the hope to move forward!

And if you can’t right now – that is ok. Nobody can blame you. I just hope this little note brings you a little joy

I just want to encourage you today in this crazy time we are living!

I came across this poem today, and I thought I’d share it with you today!

” When things start to feel

Like things should have

Been better this year,

Remember the mountains and valleys

That got you here.

They are not accidents,

And those moments weren’t in vain

You are not the same.

You have grown and you are growing

You are breathing, you are living.

You are wrapped in




And things will get better.

There is more to you than yesterday”

– Morgan Harper Nichols

I don’t know your situation right now, but just know you are not alone. There is someone thinking of you.


Which topic would be appropriate for a three‐page research paper?


Answer: for me i would personally write about what struggles humanity is faced with, whether it be global warming, overpopulation, famine, economic collapse...etc. it all depends on the subject.


sorry if this dosnt help. if you want comment me what subject its in and i can help you more.