What are the 4 types of processes that cycle matter through the biosphere give examples?


Answer 1
Answer: 1. Biological Processes 
2. Geological Processes
3. Chemical and Physical Processes
4. Human Activity

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I will not allow due to presence of organisms there.


No, I will not allow the construction of the infrastructures on  the large hectares of hills and forests because forests provides habitat to millions of organisms and also helps in preventing floods. I will suggest them to build infrastructure on the uncultivated land or choose a rocky solid land where vegetation is not possible. Rocky land is good for infrastructure because there is no vegetation cultivation is possible so the land is useless and good for infrastructure.

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The structure of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is shown here. Which statement best explains how energy stored in the chemical bonds of ATP can be released. A) Adenine is removed by hydrolysis from an ATP molecule. B) Electrons are removed by hydrolysis from an ATP molecule. C) A phosphate is removed by hydrolysis from an ATP molecule. D) A phosphate group is added to an ATP molecule with the addition of H2O.


C) A phosphate is removed by hydrolysis from an ATP molecule.

* ATP contains Adenine, Ribose sugar, and triphosphate group that contains 3 phosphates. When the third phosphate is broken, it is converted to ADP + P releasing a lot of energy.

The phosphate is removed by hydrolysis from ATP molecules. Thus, energy is stored in the chemical bonds of ATP and released during ATP hydrolysis.

Further Explanation:

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the molecular currency used for energy transactions. The ATP energy is stored in the bonds between the terminal phosphate groups. These bonds are hydrolyzed by the enzymes to obtain energy for reactions. ATP is an energy caring molecule present in the living cell. It stores energy in the bonds between the phosphates produced by the breakdown of food molecules. It releases energy required for the chemical reaction, and hence, it is known as an effective energy donor.

ATP is made of three main structures:

  • Sugar (ribose)
  • Nitrogenous base (Adenine)
  • Three phosphate group

The main energy source in ATP is phosphate tail. The energy is stored in the bonds present between the phosphates groups and release when these bonds are broke down. This process is referred to as ATP hydrolysis in this addition of water occurs. When the one phosphate is removed from ATP, then it is converted into ADP.

Learn more:

  1. Learn more about cellular respiration brainly.com/question/543244
  2. Learn more about diffusion brainly.com/question/1386629
  3. Learn more about phospholipids bilayer brainly.com/question/751529

Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Subject: Biology

Chapter: Membrane Biology


ATP, enzymes, bonds, chemical reaction, energy, phosphate group, ADP, food molecule, breakdown, donor, sugar, ribose.

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isobutanol!!!! :) :) :)
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In organisms during cell division, DNA is present in packaged structure called "chromosomes" with a constriction point called the centromere giving X-shape to the chromosomes. This forms a complete set of chromosome.The number of chromosomes present in the nucleus of the cell is known as ploidy number represented by "n".

Based on the number of chromosomes, cell is usually divided into: Haploid cell and diploid cell.

Haploid cells (n): are the cells with only one complete set or chromosomes like gamete cells while

Diploid cells (2n): are the cells with 2 sets or pair of chromosomes like somatic cells.

A diploid cell contains two complete sets of chromosomes, while a haploid cell only one set.

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