How do organisms get energy in an ecosystem? Be sure to address both producers and consumers. *​


Answer 1


Producers like plants get their energy from the sun. Consumers get energy from eating producers or other consumers.


Answer 2


producers, primary consumers, secondary consumers and tertiary consumers


Producers get their nutrients by the sun, these are normally plants. Then primary consumers eat these producers, these are herbivores. The secondary consumers eat the primary consumers, these are carnivores and can be herbivores. Lastly, tertiary consumer eat the secondary consumers and are carnivores

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A cell may transport a substance in lysosomes / vesicles if the substance is too large to cross the membrane.



The correct answer would be vesicles.

Vesicles are defined as fluid filled sac or bladder enclosed by lipid bilayer.

Transport vesicles are specialized vesicles used in transportation of material (such as proteins, enzymes, hormones, neurotransmitters etc) within the cell as well as outside the cell.

Proteins required by cell organelles and plasma membrane are usually synthesized by ribosomes at rough endoplasmic reticulum and transported to Golgi bodies with the help of vesicles for further maturation and modifications.

Post-modifications these proteins are transported to their destined organelles (like plasma membrane, peroxisome, outside the cell etc) after packed into the transport vesicles.

The lipid membrane of the transport vesicle merges with the plasma membrane in order to release these proteins outside the cell.

In contrast, lysosomes are the cell organelles which contain digestive enzymes. They help in digesting food particles and unwanted cellular components or cellular debris.

May someone please help me on this ?



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Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a rare genetic disease. Affected individuals exhibit impaired functioning of ciliated cells. Based on what you know about the role of cilia in eukaryotic cells, why would you expect people with PCD to be particularly susceptible to respiratory infections?



Cilia are motile in the lungs responsible for keeping the airways clear of dirt and mucus by their characteristic beating motion and rhythmic waving allowing a person to breathe easily and without irritation. These are present in both the lungs as well as middle ear.

As in Primary ciliary dyskinesia , there are defects in the action of cilia in the lining of the respiratory tract , middle ear , sinuses , eustachian tube etc the cilia cannot peforms its regular role .Infections can lead to an irreversible scarring and obstruction in the bronchi resulting in :

1) Shortness of breath.

2) Recurring chest colds.

3) Sinusitis.

4) Coughing , gagging , choking,

5)Middle ear infections

Answer: The respiratory wall or mucosa is made up of the epithelium and supporting lamina propria. The epithelium of respiratory tract is tall columnar pseudostratified with CILIA and goblet cells The cilia aids in sweeping away dusts and bacteria that adheres to the mucous on the epithelium. Therefore people with Primary ciliary dyskinesia are prone to Respiratory infections.

Explanation: Primary ciliary dyskinesia also called immotile ciliary syndrome is a rare genetic disease that affects the movement of cilia lining the respiratory tract. The major consequences of this dysfunction is reduced or absent mucus clearance from the lungs which subsequently leads to chronic recurrent respiratory infections

I hope this helps. Thanks!

How does an influenza virus cause symptoms of the flu to spread in thehuman body?
O A. The proteins of the viral capsids kill all the cells around an
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two students are discussing natural selection in bacteria and how it can relate to antibiotic resistance in bacteria





some the bacteria are resistance to antibiotics due to mutation.