I have to make three videos for physics about Newton's three laws of motion but I don't want to be in the videos or talk in them. Any ideas on how I could do that?


Answer 1


You should face your fears sometimes, and get in front of a crowd do present your ideas. Not everyone is good at it, and many people get anxious when they have to speak in front of people but it’s best if you just do it and get it over with and maybe it won’t be as intimidating next time :)

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The Milky Way is located in the "local" Group.

The Local Group is the galaxy group that incorporates the Milky Way. The Local Group involves in excess of 54 galaxies, the greater part of them predominate cosmic systems. Its gravitational focus is found somewhere close to the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy. The Local Group has a breadth of 10 Mly (3.1 Mpc) (around 1023 meters) and has a paired (dumbbell) distribution. The gathering itself is a piece of the bigger Virgo Supercluster, which might be a piece of the Laniakea Supercluster.

Final answer:

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The Milky Way is located in the Local Group of galaxies. This group is a collection of more than 54 galaxies, including the Andromeda and Milky Way galaxies, which are the two largest galaxies in the group. The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy, which means it has a flat, spinning disk with a central bulge surrounded by spiral arms. Despite its presence in the Local Group, the Milky Way has no direct connection to the Elliptical or the Virgo groups.

Learn more about Milky Way's location here:



What can a parent do to help a child adjust to a new culture area?



A new culture area for a child could be difficult to adjust in because there will be new things or concepts of the culture about which the student doesn't know anything.

Therefore, parents are the primary source for the child who can help their child by guiding and providing knowledge about the new culture area so that the child can learn it in a better way.

As a result, the child also learns to adjust in a new cultural area.

helping the child by educating him or her on the place what to do and what not to do

A 10,000-watt radio station transmits at 535 kHz.Determine the number of joules transmitted per second.



Energy is 10,000 Joules.


It is given that, a 10,000 watt radio station transmits at 535 kHz. We have to write the number of joules transmitted per second.

We know that number of joules transmitted per second is called the power. Its SI unit is watts. Mathematically, the power of radio station is given by :



W is the work done by radio station

t is the time taken.

According to relation :

1\ watt==(1\ Joule)/(1\ seconds)

So, 10,000\ watt==(10,000\ Joule)/(1\ seconds)

Hence, energy per second is 10,000 Joules.

If you are given a 10,000-watt radio station transmits at 535 kHz, then you just divide one by 535,000 Hz which is equal to 1.87 x 10^-6 seconds. Multiply this value by 10,000W and you get 0.019 Joules.

una granada de 4kg inicialmente en reposo,estalla en dos trozos,uno de los cuales ,de 2.5kg sale disparado hacia la derecha a 120m/s . Calcula la velocidad y el sentido del movimiento del segundo trozo.


according to google translate
reservation of momentum
momentum before = after

0 = momentum of piece to the right + 2nd one

0 = 2.5(120) + (4-2.5)v

v is negative so it moves to the left

Final answer:

La conservación de la momentum lineal dicta que la momentum total antes y después de la explosión de la granada debe ser la misma, o sea, cero. Teniendo en cuenta la dirección de cada trozo post-explosión, puedes resolver para hallar la velocidad del segundo trozo.


Este problema se resuelve usando las leyes de conservación de la momentum lineal, que dice que la momentum total de un sistema de partículas permanece constante siempre que no actúen fuerzas externas. En este caso, la granada explota en dos trozos, pero como la granada estaba inicialmente en reposo, la momentum total inicial sería cero. Así que, tras la explosión, la momentum total debe seguir siendo cero.

Puedes escribir la ley de conservación de la momentum para este ejemplo como sigue:

0 = momentum del trozo de 2.5 kg + momentum del trozo de 1.5 kg

Como sabemos, la momentum es el producto de la masa por la velocidad, así que para el trozo de 2.5 kg, la momentum sería 2.5 kg * 120 m/s que va a la derecha (puedes tomarlo como positiva). Luego, mujeres definir la velocidad del trozo de 1.5 kg como 'v', su momentum seria -1.5 kg * v (porque va a la izquierda, lo tomas como negativo).

Por ende,

0 = 2.5 kg * 120 m/s - 1.5 kg * v

De esta ecuación puedes resolver para 'v' y hallarás la velocidad del segundo trozo. Lo negativo indica que va a la izquierda.

Learn more about Conservación de la momentum lineal here:



C12H22O11 + 11H2SO4 12C + 11H2SO4 + 11H2OHow do you know the concentrated sulfuric acid is a catalyst?


By looking at the equation 
C12H22O11 + 11H2SO4 12C + 11H2SO4 + 11H2O
we can conclude that the concentrated sulfuric acid is a catalyst because
the sulfuric acid doesn't react with the reactant and it is not consumed.

Hope this helps! If you have any other questions or would like further explanation just let me know!! :)



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