Which amount of the Europeanpopulation died from the Black
A. 1/3 of the population
B. half of the population
D. none of the population
C. 3/4 of the population


Answer 1

Answer: B. Half of the population


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After the September 11 attacks, NATO invoked Article 5 of its treaty which stated that allied nations must supporta. a nation under attack.
c. a nation attacking another nation.
b. a nation in war.
d. any nation in the treaty for any reason.


Article 5 of the NATO treaty states that allied nations must support "d. any nation in the treaty for any reason," since it says that a nation in the treaty under attack means that all the nations in the treaty are under attack. 

Which of the following statements about medieval Songhai is not true?A.It was a prosperous trading kingdom.
B.Around the year 1000, its rulers converted to Islam.
C.Its capital, Cairo, was on the bend of the Niger River.
D.Most of its people continued to worship the old Songhai gods.
E.The Muslim empire of Mali conquered large stretches of Songhai.


B.Around the year 1000, its rulers converted to Islam. It's founded in nearly year 1500.


c ^^


Which president promoted a program of "New Nationalism" that included conservation and national parks?



Theodore Roosevelt


New Nationalism was Theodore Roosevelt's political philosophy, he used this phrase in a 1910 speech. He wanted to promote social justice and economic welfare of the unprivileged, this meant federal power had to increase in order to have an active intervention. The regulation of interstate industry and a strong program of social reform that put human rigths above property rights was seeked.

These were the ideals of Theodore Roosevelt. It was a progressive political philosophy beginning in 1912.

During Jefferson's administration, which of the following represented his tenure?1. He believed the power of his government depended upon its popularity.
2. Jefferson thought that the strength of his government depended upon its use of force.
3. He refused to add territory to the United States without approval of the states.
4. Jefferson thought a "hands off" approach to the states and less power in the central government would benefit the nation.


The correct option is "2. Jefferson thought that the strength of his government depended upon its use of force."

Thomas Jefferson was the third president of the United States of America, occupying the position between 1801 and 1809. He is considered one of the founding fathers of the nation. The major events that took place during his presidency included the Louisiana Purchase (1803) and the Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804-1806), as well as the escalation of tensions with Britain and France, which led to the war with Great Britain. Britain in 1812, after leaving office.

2. Jefferson thought that the strength of his government depended upon its use of force.

Which answer choice shows the events in the correct chronological order? a. atomic bomb tested; war in Europe ends; atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima
b. atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima; war in Europe ends; atomic bomb tested
c. atomic bomb tested; atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima; war in Europe ends
d. war in Europe ends; atomic bomb tested; atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima


d. war in Europe ends; atomic bomb tested; atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima

"Little Boy" was the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan, by the American bomber plane Boeing B29 Superfortress Enola Gay plane.

On August 6, 1945 American President Harry S. Truman ordered the bombing of Hiroshima, Japan to subdue Japan into surrender and a speedy end to the war. America remains the only country to have ever used an atomic bomb against an enemy. It resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of civilians. Three days later Nagasaki, another city in Japan was atomic-bombed as well.

Answer: its c


i took the test

Which of the following played a part in the development of Hebrew religious ideas? A. The Ten Commandments became part of Hebrew culture and religion long before the Babylonian captivity. B. Jewish history describes the journey of the Hebrews as they wandered through the desert for 40 years after escaping from Egypt. C. Moses was considered to be the only Jewish prophet. D. In Jerusalem, the Hebrews worshiped only at the Temple, but that changed during the Babylonian Captivity


Moses was the prophet who brought the Jews out of the Egyptian bondage, but he was not the only prophet, there were many in the history, such as Jeremiah, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, etc. After leaving Egypt at Mount Sinai, Moses received from God Ten Commandments long before the Jews arrived at the promised land, meaning long before the Babylonian bondage. These ten commandments are the bases and core of the Jewish faith and as such exist long before the Babylonian bondage. The Jewish 40-year journey through the desert before coming to Canaan (the promised land) is a part of a history that has a powerful influence on Jewish consciousness, as a nation, because there in the desert, Moses was gradually writing new rules in Torah, constantly correcting the people in the sense of adhering to religious and social rules. These same rules have become part of everyday behavior as they come to the promised land and beyond. The first Temple built by Solomon was a place of worship, but also the Jews were monotheists and worshiped one God before that. When banished into the Babylonian slavery, access to the temple was not possible and this has a great influence on the formation of their religion, in terms of maintaining faith in the impossibility of having a temple.  Under such conditions, a new Babylonian Talmud was formed, which differs from the pre-Babylonian one, but together with it, it formed a whole in the overall religious teaching. This is a significant part of Jewish history, because it speaks of the survival and prayer and worship of one God under slavery, the inability to access the temple, which had previously.

I would say, the answers are : A. B. and D.

Well... what i meant was that this is multiple choice so if we were to go over them together We would see.... Lets start with  A. The Ten Commandments became part of Hebrew culture and religion long before the Babylonian captivity obviously this is religious (if you read the bible)  and true. So A... let's now go to B.  Jewish history describes the journey of the Hebrews as they wandered through the desert for 40 years after escaping from Egypt. Yes, this is true... but does it have anything to do with religion? No. so, B we can eliminate... Next C.  Moses was considered to be the only Jewish prophet. This is not true. In the bible Aaron was a prophet sent by God also... there were more.... So we can elamanate C too... Last D.  In Jerusalem, the Hebrews worshiped only at the Temple, but that changed during the Babylonian Captivity, This is also true and does have to do with religion and the prayers in the temple... 
:) I said all that to say i believe this is A & D...  Hope this helps... even though it is late.... :-/