In 2012, the U.S. population was about 314 million. how many people over the age of 60 were in the u.s.


Answer 1
Answer: 57.6 million people over the age of 60 were in the US during 2012
Answer 2

Final answer:

Though exact data for 2012 is not available, based on trends from surrounding years, we can estimate that the population of U.S. residents over 60 in 2012 was likely between 47 and 70 million, out of a total population of 314 million.


In 2012, demographically, the U.S. population was experiencing a significant shift in the aging population. While we do not have specific data for the year 2012, we can estimate the population over the age of 60 based on the data from other years. By 2010, about 15 percent of the total population was over 65 years old, and by 2020, 22% of the U.S. population was 60 years old or older, marking an increase in the aging population, also referred to as "the graying of America".

Hence, given the increase in the elderly population each year, the percentage of the U.S. population over the age of 60 in 2012 would be somewhere between 15% (from 2010) and 22% (from 2020). Using these percentages as an approximate guide and given that the U.S. population in 2012 was about 314 million, it can be inferred that the number of people over the age of 60 was likely in the range of 47 million to 70 million.

Learn more about U.S. Aging Population here:


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Sample response: The four general causes leading to World War I were nationalism, imperialism, militarism, and alliances. Nationalism caused many small countries to rebel against imperialism and seek their independence. A focus on militarism meant that they had the means to cause great harm.

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Hope this helps you give brainliest

Final answer:

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The start of World War I was a result of a complex network of alliances, diplomatic failures, and escalating hostilities between major powers. One key event that is often seen as the immediate trigger was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria by a Serbian nationalist in June 1914. Due to a system of entangled alliances between countries, including the Triple Entente (France, Russia, and Britain) and the Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy), the conflict rapidly spread. Nationalistic tensions, military build-up, and economic competition also contributed to the outbreak of the war.

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3. How did Mexico react when the United States annexed Texas?


Answer: the Mexican government broke off relations with the United States to  protest the U.S. annexation of Texas.


When an effort at negotiation failed, the hard-driving Polk focused his efforts on subverting Mexican authority in California. Polk ordered several thousand U.S. troops under General Zachary Taylor to advance some 150 miles south of the Texas frontier and take up positions around Corpus Christi, near the Rio Grande in Texas. The U.S. troops were in territory that was doubly disputed: Mexico recognized neither the American annexation of Texas nor the Rio Grande boundary. Polk’s aggressive actions in Texas gained widespread support from rabid expansionists.

The last hope for peace died when an American official, sent to Mexico City to negotiate a settlement, gave up in March 1846. Mexican officials had allowed their pride to displace their prudence in refusing to acknowledge some of the legitimate issues between the two nations. Polk then resolved that he could achieve his expansionist purposes only by force. On May 9, he won cabinet approval of a war message to Congress. That evening the news arrived that Mexican troops had attacked U.S. soldiers north of the Rio Grande. Eleven Americans were killed, five wounded, and the remainder taken prisoner. Polk’s scheme to provoke an attack had worked.

Mexico opposed strongly to the annexation of Texas by the United States. They suspended all the diplomatic relations with the United States and also ordered that American Settlers be removed from CA and along with this they banned further American Immigration in Mexico.  

Further Explanation:-

In the year 1845, Texas was annexed by the United States and from that moment on, it became the 28th State of the United States. Until 1836, Texas used to be part of Mexico but in 1836, there was a group of settlers living in Mexican Texas. They declared independence and called Texas as a new country named the Republic of Texas and from there on it remained as an independent country for nine years before the United States annexed Texas. There were political issues also which were raised within the United States as the question raised in this annexation was that Weather Texas will enter the United States as Slave State or Free State? And in the end, Texas became part of the United States as a Slave State. Because of this annexation, Tensions increased between the United States and Mexico and that brought to the start of Mexican-American war and the reason behind this war was that Mexico claimed that Nueces River was the southern border of Texas whereas the United States claimed that the border laid further south till Rio Grande River. As a sign to show Protest against Annexation, Mexicans banned American immigration and stopped all diplomatic relations with the United States.  

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Answer details:

Grade – High School

Subject – History

Chapter – Mexico Annexation

Keywords –United States, Texas, Mexico, Annexation, Immigration, Political issues, Slave State, Free State, Southern Border, Independence.  

HELP! What warning does The Wife of Bath give at the end of the tale?

Question 14 options:

She warns that women who do not have power will die

She warns that men and women should love each other unconditionally

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She warns that men who did not give their wives authority would be unhappy



She warns that men who did not give their wives authority would be unhappy.


Geoffrey Chaucer's "The Wife Of Bath's Tale" revolves around the issue of the obedience of men to their wives and the need to give authority over all things to women. Only when (and if) women are given the power to chose and make decisions can there be peace, and everyone can live happily. That was what the Wife of Bath was implying through her story of the knight and the old woman.

By narrating the success story of how a knight was saved by an old woman, and how his obedience in obeying her led to his 'happily ever after', the Wife of Bath's tale is suggestive of the need for woman to have or rather, be given dominance over the men in general. After she successfully gets done with her storytelling, she ends with a warning "eek I pr ye Iesu shorte hir lyves/ That wol nat be governed by hir wyves;/ And olde and angry ni gardes of dispence,/ God sende hem sone verray pestilence".


D . She warns that men who did not give their wives authority would be unhappy


took the test/quiz/exam

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True facts about Baby-boomers generation:

Were born in the years after World War II (From 1946 until 1964)

Were the generation that was fighting in Vietnam. At the War's peak during 1968-1970, the baby-boomers males were around 21 years old.

Participated in the anti-war movement. The baby-boomers were the young generation during the Vietnam War and were highly involved in everything related to it, and many of them were participating in any war movements.

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c. little guidance in developing charters
d. unfair distribution of land


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