The most common problem that might lead to international cooperation is pollution.
Problems that require international cooperation include environmental issues, trade and economic development, and large-scale issues such as terrorism and migration. No nation can address these problems independently because of their global impact and the necessity to work in unison.
There are various types of problems that can lead to international cooperation. Some of these include environmental concerns such as climate change and preserving biodiversity. No single nation can solve these problems on its own as they spill over national borders. Cooperation among nations is necessary to address global warming and to protect biodiversity worldwide.
International cooperation is also needed in the fields of economic development and trade. International agreements can serve as a political counterweight to domestic special interests and also reduce barriers to trade such as tariffs and quotas. Moreover, improved transportation and communication have made people more aware of what is available in other parts of the world, stimulating the need for international cooperation.
Additionally, large scale problems which involve many individuals like terrorism, international crime, religious movements, and human migration, require the combined efforts of many countries for monitoring and enforcing solutions, thus necessitating cooperation amongst nations.
Answer: The Federalists felt that this addition wasn't necessary, because they believed that the Constitution as it stood only limited the government not the people. Both Hamilton and Madison argued that the Constitution didn't need a Bill of Rights, that it would create a "parchment barrier" that limited the rights of the people, as opposed to protecting them. The Anti- Federalists claimed the Constitution gave the central government too much power, and without a Bill of Rights the people would be at risk of oppression. One faction opposed the Constitution because they thought stronger government threatened the sovereignty of the states. Others argued that a new centralized government would have all the characteristics of the despotism of Great Britain they had fought so hard to remove themselves from. And still others feared that the new government threatened their personal liberties.
Brought through the columbian exchange.
Most of the slaves that eventually worked the sugar plantations in the Americas were brought from Africa.
perceived threat reduction
C. Social validity of the behavior
Behavioral analysis is a global approach to the experimental study of the behavior of organisms. Its main objectives are the discovery of the principles and laws which govern behavior as well as the extension of these principles to all living species. Applied behavior analysis is a branch of behavior analysis that uses the principles of behavior to solve practical problems in everyday life. This consists of observing a person's behavior in terms of stimuli (behavioralism), rather than investigating their thoughts, in order to:
to help him with advice, but also by acting on stimuli (ex: reward / sanction),
to avoid harmful behavior.
sometimes also to condition him to act in a direction that does not correspond to his interests,
or to put it out of harm's way (criminal profiling).
But often, behavioral profiling is used by psychologists, psychiatrists, ... to understand their patients and identify their problems in order to help manage their discomfort. Some people study profiling for a purely personal purpose (generally social) to favor or disadvantage relationships of whatever type (friendships, rivalries, ...)
Explanation: Reflexivity is the process by which the researcher reflects upon the data collection and interpretation process while white coat effect is defined as the transient elevation of office blood pressure induced by the alerting response to a doctor or a nurse. WCE can occur in both normotensive and hypertensive persons; and is not substantially influenced by reassurance and familiarisation. They are both important
Reflexivity is important in qualitative research because there are so many ways in which researcher bias could affect a study which starts from the creation of data, gathering of data, collection of the data, analysing and reporting the outcome.
• difference between white coat effects and reflexivity in social research is;
White Coat Effect is the effects that researchers have on the very processes and relationships they are studying by virture of just being there.
Reflexivity in social research is the analyzing and critically considering our own role in, and the effect on, our research.
• important of white coat effect;
It helps employee in the organization to conform with the organization's policy.
• important of reflexivity;
Reflexivity is as an approach that promotes critical awareness of how knowledge is created.