To encourage competition, government would preserve incentives. what would do companies do?A. resist the urge to merge B. refrain from predatory pricing C. receive help so they don’t fail D. conduct fair business practices


Answer 1
Answer: B. refrain from predatory pricing

Companies refrain from predatory pricing once the government preserves incentives.
Answer 2


Resist the urge to merge


I took the quiz

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What is the main characteristic of a laissez-faire economy?


A laissez faire economy is one in which there is no government regulation of the economy.

Laissez faire economics is an idea based on the writings of Adam Smith, a famous economist who wrote the book Wealth of Nations. In this book, Smith argued that government interference with the economy had a negative overall impact on producers and consumers. Instead, Smith advocated for laissez faire economics.

In this laissez faire system, the competition between businesses for customers would result in business owners making the best decisions possible for the consumers. This is due to the fact that businesses cannot survive if they do not work to provide valuable services to citizens at a fair price.

Final answer:

A laissez-faire economy is characterized by minimal government intervention, and the principle that market forces alone should drive the economy. In this system, free trade, self-interest, and supply and demand dominate, with industries often self-regulating to protect their value. It argues that the marketplace is the most efficient means for exchange, promoting negotiation between producers and consumers.


The main characteristic of a laissez-faire economy is minimal government intervention in the economic affairs of individuals and businesses. This concept is based on the principle that the free market, driven by supply and demand, is self-regulating and efficient. This economic model originated through the beliefs of Thomas Le Gendre and later, Scottish economist Adam Smith whose works argued that self-interested participation in a free market, unfettered by government restraint, would benefit society at large.

In laissez-faire economies, the state refrains from imposing regulations, setting minimum wages, or controlling prices. This system influenced significant economic shifts, such as the Industrial Revolution that catalysed the accumulation of capital and improved societal living standards. However, the extremes of laissez-faire can pose challenges, such as unregulated banks or corporations which can lead to market crashes as it did in the U.S. prior to the 1929 market crash.

Proponents of this system advocate for the marketplace as the most efficient means of exchange, promoting negotiation between producers and consumers. In laissez-faire, industries often self-regulate to maintain quality and protect their reputation. Essentially, laissez-faire economics champions the freedom for individuals and businesses to operate without undue government interference.

Learn more about Laissez-faire Economy here:


Which major event marked the final end of the Roman Empire? Splitting the empire into Eastern and Western Empires the rise of Constantine constant civil wars the invasion of Rome by the Visigoths in 476


The correct answer is "the invasion of Rome by the Visigoths in 476 CE.

While the other two answers are part of the decline in the Roman Empire, the greatest contributing factor was the series of invasions from the Visigoths, also known as the Goth Wars. This caused the Western Roman Empire to officially end when Odoacer deposed of Emperor Romulus Augustulus and declared himself king of Italy.


the invasion of Rome by the Visigoths in 476


Your business is dependent on gas to transport its goods. The price of oil decreases, which means your production costs _____.a. increase
c. stay the same


If the price of gas is a key factor in transporting your goods then the decrease in the price of oil will mean that your production costs decrease as well. Cheaper oil almost always means that the price of gas will decline and in turn you spend less money on fuel getting your goods from location to location.

decrease is the best choice for this question

what should be done to minimise the impact of mining and local communities and what measures can be undertaken to ensure that they benefit for mining operation​



  1. Environmental Impact Assessment
  2. Sustainable Mining Practices
  3. Community Engagement and Consent
  4. Education and Training
  5. Infrastructure Development

Explanation:Mining can have significant impacts on local communities and the environment. To minimize these negative effects and ensure that local communities benefit from mining operations, a combination of responsible practices, regulations, and community engagement is essential.

1. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA): Before commencing any mining operation, a thorough EIA should be conducted to assess potential environmental impacts. This assessment helps identify potential risks and allows for mitigation strategies to be developed.

2. Sustainable Mining Practices: Implementing sustainable mining practices can reduce environmental damage. This includes measures such as reclamation of mined areas, minimizing water and air pollution, and managing waste responsibly.

3. Community Engagement and Consent: Engaging with local communities and obtaining their consent for mining operations is crucial. Consultations should be ongoing and transparent, allowing communities to voice concerns and provide input into decision-making processes.

4. Education and Training: Providing education and training opportunities for local residents can empower them with the skills needed for employment in the mining sector or other related industries.

5. Infrastructure Development: Mining companies can invest in local infrastructure, such as roads, schools, healthcare facilities, and clean water supply, improving overall living conditions in the community.

Overall, the key is to create a balance between economic development, environmental protection, and social well-being. Mining companies, governments, and local communities need to work collaboratively to achieve these goals and ensure that the benefits of mining are shared equitably and sustainably.

In 1890, the united states passed the sherman antitrust act. what was the purpose of the act?


Approved July 2, 1890, The Sherman Anti-Trust Act was the first Federal act that outlawed monopolistic business practices. The Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 was the first measure passed by the U.S. Congress to prohibit trusts
It was the first legislation passed to address oppressive business practices associated with cartels and monopolies.