This type of learner has the largest number of Use First Patterns: Dynamic learner. Bridge learner. Strong-Willed learner. Avoidance learner.


Answer 1
Answer: The type of learner that has the largest number of use first pattern is : Strong-willed learner.
This type of learner has 3 or more First patterns uses. They're the type who keep seeking out opportunities to lead and typically do not like being led by other people

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"Once the BAL has peaked and started to go down, people who have been drinking believe they are much more ____________ than they really are."





BAL is an acronym that stands for Blood Alcohol Level. This means the amount of alcohol that is diluted in the blood of those who drank some alcohol. The BAL shows the amount of alcohol in 100 milliliters of blood, it is measured using a device called breathalyzers or through tables that show its value. When the BAL value reaches the maximum level and begins to fall, the alcoholized individual may feel sober, but he or she feels more sober than he or she really is. For this reason, it is important for campaigns to warn people not to drive if they drink, even if they feel sober.

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The US Census of 1790 was the first census of the whole United States. Most enslaved people during this time were in South. They were mostly settled in: South Carolina ( 42% of the states population ), Virginia ( 39 % ), Maryland and North Carolina.

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Because the largest population of Immigrants is located on California ( more than 20 %)

California is the states that is the easiest to access by immigrants from the sea.

If you ever hear "My family came to this country from a boat, it most likely they came through California"
One of the main reasons was that there were a lot of people in California who did emigrate there in the years before this movement took hold. Moreover, they were also causing trouble to the local populace. All of these things had a negative impact on the general idea about imigrants. 

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I think the correct answer from the choices listed above is the second option. A sign of a weak economy is a high unemployment rate. When a person loses a job, he is no longer able to pay his debts or taxes, and he spends less. All of these things can be devastating to the economy.

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The Great Depression (1929-39) was the deepest and longest-lasting economic downturn in the history of the Western industrialized world. In the United States, the Great Depression began soon after the stock market crash of October 1929, which sent Wall Street into a panic and wiped out millions of investors. Over the next several years, consumer spending and investment dropped, causing steep declines in industrial output and rising levels of unemployment as failing companies laid off workers. By 1933, when the Great Depression reached its nadir, some 13 to 15 million Americans were unemployed and nearly half of the country’s banks had failed. Though the relief and reform measures put into place by President Franklin D. Roosevelt helped lessen the worst effects of the Great Depression in the 1930s, the economy would not fully turn around until after 1939, when World War II kicked American industry into high gear.


What happened to the unemployment rate after the stock market crash in 1929?


What happened with the unemployment rate to the fall of the Stock Exchange in 1929, was that it increased.

They fell: National income, tax revenues, corporate profits and prices. International trade declined, and unemployment increased.

what is the name of the river that forms the northern border of Kentucky and flows into the Mississippi River?


It's the Ohio river! 
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"Oh, the agony," groans Tyler, pretending to slit his throat with an Exacto knife. "If I never see another photo of a veggie burger, it will be too soon. Why didn’t we choose a more appetizing product to base our project on?" "I think it had something to do with someone wanting to promote a healthy alternative to greasy hamburgers," Jeannie replies sarcastically. "Right," Tyler answers. "I don’t know what I could have been thinking. Speaking of greasy hamburgers, is anyone else starving? Anyone up for ordering a pizza or something?" "Sorry, but no one will deliver up here so late," Margeaux apologizes. "But I have a quiche that I could heat up." "Oh, oui, oui," Tyler quips. "You wish," Margeaux says. "It came out of a box." "Sure, it sounds great. Thanks," Jeannie says. "I’m hungry too." "It doesn’t have any meat in it, does it?" asks Madhukar. "I don’t eat meat." "Nope, it’s a cheese and spinach quiche," Margeaux answers. Tyler and Margeaux go off to the kitchen to prepare the food. Tyler takes the quiche, which is still in its box, from the refrigerator. "Uh-oh," he says. "My roommate is a vegetarian, and he won’t buy this brand because it has lard in the crust. Better warn Madhukar. He’s a Hindu, so I imagine it’s pretty important to him." "Shhh!" responds Margeaux. "I don’t have anything else to offer him, and he’ll never know the difference anyway. Just pretend you didn’t notice that." FOR CONSIDERATION: What ethical principles are involved in this case? Ethical Principles: 1. Ethical communicators are truthful and honest 2. Ethical communicators act with integrity 3. Ethical communicators behave fairly. 4. Ethical communicators demonstrate respect. 5. Ethical communicators are responsible. 6. Ethical communicators are empathetic.