PLEASE HELPPPP THANK YOUUUU!!! 1. Which way does light bend when traveling from air to glass?
-Toward the normal
-Away from normal
-Doesn’t bend

2. Which way does light bend when traveling from glass to air?
-Toward the normal
-Away from normal
-Doesn’t bend

3.Of your three mystery materials, in which will light travel the fastest? Why?


Answer 1


1: toward the normal

2:away from normal

3: red because the index of refraction ( the ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to the speed of light in a material) is increased for the slower moving waves

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The distance of load from fulcrum is 5 m.



Mechanical advantage, MA = 0.4

Distance of force from fulcrum is, \textrm{Effort arm}=2\ m

Distance of load from fulcrum is, \textrm{Load Arm}=?

We know that, Mechanical advantage of a machine is the ratio of the effort arm and load arm.

So, Mechanical advantage is given as:

MA=\frac{\textrm{Effort Arm}}{\textrm{Load Arm}}\n\n0.4=\frac{2}{\textrm{Load Arm}}\n\n\textrm{Load Arm}=(2)/(0.4)=5\ m

Therefore, the distance of load from fulcrum is 5 m.

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Why does an object in motion stay in motion unless acted on by an unbalanced force? A) because forces are what stop and start motion

B) because balanced forces can not exist in nature

C) because motion is the inherent state of all matter

D) because motion, once begun, continues to accelerate


Answer: A) because forces are what stop and start motion


From Newton's first law, an object tends to stay in state of rest or motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced external force. This is also known law of inertia. This is because a force can stop or start a motion. A force cause body to accelerate to decelerate otherwise the body continues with constant speed.

An object in motion stays in motion unless acted on by an unbalanced force A) because forces are what stop and start motion

Further explanation

In Newton's first law, it is stated that if the resultant force acts on an object of magnitude is zero, it can be formulated:

\large{\boxed{\bold{\sum F=0}}

 then the object tends to defend itself from its state.

or can be stated:

An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.

So for objects in a state of movement, objects tend to move forever. Likewise, for objects in a state of rest, they tend to remain forever. The tendency of objects like this is called inertia

The size of inertia is proportional to mass, the greater the mass of the object, the greater the inertia of the object.

In objects with mass that move translatively, the object will maintain its linear velocity

Forces are balanced when all the forces act upon an object balance with each other

Forces are unbalanced when there is an individual force that is not being balanced by another force

So the object in balanced forces:

  • 1. object at rest v = 0, a = 0
  • 2. object at motion v ≠0, a = 0

Let see the answer choices

  • A) because forces are what stop and start motion

If there is an unbalanced force, the object will tend to move from the rest position or the object changes its state of motion.

Statement is true

  • B) because balanced forces can not exist in nature

Balanced forces can exist in nature for example. For example a person standing on the floor. There are two forces. The force of gravity and the floor for upward force, thus the person maintains its state (rest motion). So this condition is called a state of balance or balance.

Statement is false

  • C) because motion is the inherent state of all matter

All matter is not only in a state of movement but also in a position of rest

Statement is false

  • D) because motion, once begun, continues to accelerate

motion of object can accelerate or decelerate

Statement is false

Learn more

Newton's law of inertia

example of Newton's First Law of inertia

law of motion


Keywords: inertia, Newton's First Law

Find the elongation produced in a copper wire of length 2m and radius 5mm, when suspended by a blockof mass 500Kg. (Take Young's modulus of elasticity of copper Y = 1,2 ×109 Pa).



0.104 m


Stress, \sigma=\frac {F}{A}

Where F is force and A is area. Also, F=mg where m is mass and g is acceleration due to gravity

Area= \pi r^(2)

Strain=\frac {\triangle l}{l} where \triangle l is the elongation and l is the original length

E=\frac {stress}{strain}=\frac {\frac {F}{A}}{\frac {\triangle l}{l}}=\frac {Fl}{A\triangle l}

Making \triangle l the subject then

\triangle l=\frac {Fl}{AE}=(mg l)/(\pi r^(2) E)

By substituting the given values and taking g as 9.81 then

\triangle l=\frac {Fl}{AE}=(500* 9.81* 2 m)/(\pi * 0.005^(2)* 1.2* 10^(9))=0.104087333  m\approx 0.104 m

How can two strengths be added together


By using mind and dna