A nitric acid solution flows at a constant rate of 5L/min into a large tank that initially held 200L of a 0.5% nitric acid solution. The solution inside the tank is kept well stirred and flows out of the tank at a rate of 10L/min. If the solution entering the tank is 10% nitric acid, determine the volume of nitric acid in the tank after t minutes.


Answer 1


x(t) = −39e

−0.03t + 40.


Let V (t) be the volume of solution (water and

nitric acid) measured in liters after t minutes. Let x(t) be the volume of nitric acid

measured in liters after t minutes, and let c(t) be the concentration (by volume) of

nitric acid in solution after t minutes.

The volume of solution V (t) doesn’t change over time since the inflow and outflow

of solution is equal. Thus V = 200 L. The concentration of nitric acid c(t) is

c(t) = x(t)

V (t)





We model this problem as


dt = I(t) − O(t),

where I(t) is the input rate of nitric acid and O(t) is the output rate of nitric acid,

both measured in liters of nitric acid per minute. The input rate is

I(t) = 6 Lsol.

1 min


20 Lnit.

100 Lsol.


120 Lnit.

100 min

= 1.2 Lnit./min.

The output rate is

O(t) = (6 Lsol./min)c(t) = 6 Lsol.

1 min


x(t) Lnit.

200 Lsol.


3x(t) Lnit.

100 min

= 0.03 x(t) Lnit./min.

The equation is then


dt = 1.2 − 0.03x,



dt + 0.03x = 1.2, (1)

which is a linear equation. The initial condition condition is found in the following


c(0) = 0.5% = 5 Lnit.

1000 Lsol.


x(0) Lnit.

200 Lsol.


Thus x(0) = 1.

In Eq. (1) we let P(t) = 0.03 and Q(t) = 1.2. The integrating factor for Eq. (1) is

µ(t) = exp Z

P(t) dt

= exp

0.03 Z


= e



The solution is

x(t) = 1



µ(t)Q(t) dt + C

= Ce−0.03t + 1.2e






= Ce−0.03t +







= Ce−0.03t +



= Ce−0.03t + 40.

The constant is found using x(t) = 1:

x(0) = Ce−0.03(0) + 40 = C + 40 = 1.

Thus C = −39, and the solution is

x(t) = −39e

−0.03t + 40.

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mv2;1 electron volt (eV)=1.602×10−19J][KE=





;1 electron volt (eV)=1.602

Final answer:

The photoelectric effect equation is used to find the binding energy of an electron when an X-ray photon with a specific wavelength strikes a surface, taking into account the kinetic energy of the ejected electron and the energy of the photon.


To calculate the binding energy of an electron when an X-ray photon with a given wavelength strikes a surface, you use the photoelectric effect equation which connects the energy of the photon (E = hc/λ) with the kinetic energy (KE) of the ejected electron and the binding energy (BE) that keeps the electron attached to the atom.

The equation is: KE + BE = hc/λ, where h is Planck's constant (6.626 x 10-34 J s), c is the speed of light (3.00 x 108 m/s), and λ is the wavelength of the photon.

The given kinetic energy of the electron is 959 eV, which can be converted to joules (1 eV = 1.602 x 10-19 J). The energy of the photon can be calculated using the wavelength. Binding energy is then found by subtracting the electron's kinetic energy from the energy of the photon.

To find the binding energy per mole, you can use Avogadro's number (6.022 x 1023 mol-1) to calculate the total binding energy in a mole of such electrons and then convert it to kilojoules.

Learn more about Photoelectric Effect here:



Which group is the most reactive?*
Alkaline Earth Metals
Alkali metals
Noble Gases



alkali metals- Group 1


they have less valence electrons and therefore are more reactive

A solid that forms from a solution during a chemical reaction is called a(an)





Precipitation is the creation of a solid from a solution. When the reaction occurs in a liquid solution, the solid formed is called the 'precipitate'. The chemical that causes the solid to form is called the 'precipitant'.

hope i helped :)

How to prepare ethanoic acid from ethane


anonymous 5 years ago
First you chlorinate it in presence of light.
C2H6 + Cl2 ---hv -> C2H5Cl + HCl
Then you add aqeuos KOH to get C2H5OH
C2H5Cl+KOH-> C2H5OH+ KCl.
Then you add KMnO4 to get the rquired compound.
C2H5OH ----KMnO4 ---> CH3COOH.
C2h6 + O2 ----> CH3CooH

In the laboratory a "coffee cup" calorimeter, or constant pressure calorimeter, is frequently used to determine the specific heat of a solid, or to measure the energy of a solution phase reaction. A student heats 62.08 grams of magnesium to 97.96 °C and then drops it into a cup containing 77.81 grams of water at 23.19 °C. She measures the final temperature to be 35.60 °C. The heat capacity of the calorimeter (sometimes referred to as the calorimeter constant) was determined in a separate experiment to be 1.79 J/°C. Assuming that no heat is lost to the surroundings calculate the specific heat of magnesium.



The specific heat of magnesium is 1.04 J/g°C.


Heat lost by the magnesium = Q

Mass of the magnesium = m  = 62.08 g

Heat capacity of  magnesium= c = ?

Initial temperature of the magnesium = T_1=97.96^oC

Final temperature of the magnesium= T  = 35.60 °C

Q=mc* (T-T_1)

Heat absorbed by coffee cup calorimeter  = Q'

Heat capacity of coffee cup calorimeter = C = 1.79 J/°C

Initial temperature of coffee cup calorimete =T_2 = 23.19°C

Final temperature of coffee cup calorimete = T  = 35.60 °C

Q'=C* (T-T_2)

Heat absorbed by the water = q

Mass of water = m' = 77.81 g

Heat capacity of water = c' = 4.18 J/g°C

Initial temperature of water =T_2 = 0°C

Final temperature of water = T

q=m'* c'* (T_2-T)

According law of conservation of energy , energy lost by coffee will equal to heat required to raise temperature of water and coffee cup calorimeter.


-(mc* (T-T_1))=C* (T-T_2)+m'* c'* (T-T_2)

62.08 g* c(97.96^oC-35.60^oC)=1.79 J/^oC* (35.60^oC-23.19^oC)+77.81g* 4.18 J/g^oC* (35.60^oC-23.19^oC)

On solving we get:

c = 1.04 J/g°C

The specific heat of magnesium is 1.04 J/g°C.

A student conducts an experiment to see how music affects plant growth. The student obtains four identical plants. Each one is potted in the same type of soil and receives the sameamount of sunlight and water each day. Plant A listens to classical music for three hours each day. Plant B listens to rock music for three hours each day. Plant C listens to country
music for three hours each day. Plant D does not listen to any music at all.
1. Based on the experiment in the scenario, which visual aid would be most helpful in showing the change in the plants' heights over time?
O A. A line graph
O B. A pie chart
OC. A bar graph
O D. A timeline



A. A line graph  


You use line graphs to track changes over time. Line graphs are better when the changes are small. They are also more useful when you want to compare changes over the same period for more than one group, for example, plants exposed to music and a control group.

B is wrong. A pie chart is best for comparing parts of a whole.

C is wrong. You can use a bar graph to track changes over time, but small changes are harder to spot.

D is wrong. You use a timeline to mark important points in time, for example, when you are deciding the times when you must complete various stages of a project.

Which of the charts below do you think is more helpful in showing the change in plant height over time?