Make sure you get the right diagnosis and treatment to get rid of it fast. Diabetes, Eye Health, Heart Disease, Lung Disease, Orthopedics, Pain Management. The condition can also cause wheezing and make it hard to catch your breath. Drug classes that may be used to treat chronic bronchitis/COPD include: Antibiotics to treat worsening coughs, breathlessness, and mucus production caused by infections. Anti-inflammatory drugs, such as corticosteroids (also called steroids), to reduce swelling and mucus output. Taking over-the-counter medications such as aspirin, acetaminophen, or ibuprofen can help relieve symptoms of bronchitis, such as fever, headache, and aches and pains. Aspirin should not be given to children or teenagers, unless advised by a doctor, due to the associated risk of Reye's syndrome. Have a Great Day!
B. Self-guided learning
C. Exploratory play
D. Timed play
The correct answer option is C. Exploratory play.
Early childhood is an age which is all about being curious to discover new things.
Exploratory play encourages the children by providing them a chance to learning through examination and problem solving.
It also supports the usage of the five senses and help them interact with their surroundings to maximize their learning.
Therefore, exploratory play is the most appropriate type of learning activity for early childhood classrooms.
C. Exploratory play would be the best choice answer.
~batmans wife dun dun dun...aka ~serenitybella
b.nitrogen cycle
c.water cycle
d.all of these
All of these