Which of the following describes the aspect of mental health?1. Knowing our interests
2. Dealing with stress and anger
3. Respecting others
4. Awareness of purpose


Answer 1

The one that can describe the aspect of mentalhealth is the way of dealing with stress. The correct option is 2.

What is mental health?

Our sentimental, psychological, but also social well-being all contribute to our mentalhealth. It has an impact on how we think, feel, and act.

It also influences how we deal with stress, interact with others, and make healthy choices. Mental well-being is critical throughout life, from childhood and adolescence to adult years.

Certain factors, such as a history of mental illness in a bloodrelative, such as a parent or sibling, may increase your risk of developing a mentalillness. Financial difficulties, the death of a loved one, or a divorce are all examples of stressful life events.

When we are mentally healthy, we enjoy our lives, our surroundings, and the people around us. We have the ability to be creative, learn, try new things, and take risks.

The way of dealing with stress is one that can also be described as an aspect of mentalhealth.

Thus, the correct option is 2.

For more details regarding mental health, visit:



Answer 2

awareness of purpose and dealing with stress and anger

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When you pull your skin and it drops slowly it usually means you're dehydrated.
But....if you are well-hydrated and this happens, then your skin is losing elasticity, a normal sign of aging in the body.

Josseyi is from France and she only knows to speah french. This year josseyi emigrated to England,due to some fanancial problems. English became her additional language which she doesnt know it . One day Josseyi got ill and whent to the hospital. List the barriers that Josseyi is going to face with in the hospital. Please help, this h/w is due to tomorrow.. please help me.. thank you.! =')


she will have trouble communicating her problem,

also she will have trouble giving identification of herself,

she will not be able to pay for any further treatment if she needs to undergo for example, surgery. ( NHS is only free at first) due to her financial state

Euro is less in pounds, so for example 50 euro would only make £36, so she would struggle to cover costs.

she may not be able to ask for transport.

the hospital doctors and nurses many need help from a translator or somebody who knows French.

She may not know how to exactly to describe how she is unwell.
If she had to pay, due to her financial problems she may not be able to pay her fee.
I hoped this helped :) 

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A person with a low number of white blood cells could have difficulty in fighting infections and A decrease in the number of lymphoid stem cells could result in a decrease in red blood cell.

What is nucleotide?

It is the sub units and buIlding blocks of DNA. It is made up of a five-sided sugar, phosphate group and then a nitrogen base.

These groups make the backbone of the DNA helix. If you look at a DNA helix, they make the side of the ladder or the side portion. They connect to a nitrogen base which make the steps of the ladder.  The type of sugar that is used in a DNA helix is called deoxyribose.

Nitrogen bases are the molecules that make up the steps of the ladders. There are four different nitrogen bases, namely; Guanine, Thymine,Adenine and Cytosine.

Pyrimidines are compounds that make a single 6-sided ring. Examples of pyrimidines are Cytosine and Thymine. Purines on the other hand make 5-sided and 6-sided rings.

Therefore, A person with a low number of white blood cells could have difficulty in fighting infections and A decrease in the number of lymphoid stem cells could result in a decrease in red blood cell.

Learn more about white blood cells on:






if u feel hopeless go to a therapist

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You're considering career options in the health field. Which of thefollowing would require the most education?


What are the answer choices?

swer: doctor


Which of the following are behaviors that often result from drug use?A.

driving responsibly


performing well in school


having protected sex


engaging in criminal activiy


Correct answer choice is :

D) Engaging in criminal activity


Drug use can harm the people who take drugs and the people around them. This involves families, kids, and unborn babies. Drug use can also lead to a habit. An addiction is a long-lasting brain disease. People with an addiction can't stop using drugs on their own. They resume using drugs even when they know that the evil thing can happen.

D. Engaging in criminal activity