In an attempt to prepare n−propylbenzene, a chemist alkylated benzene with 1−chloropropane and aluminum chloride. However, two isomeric hydrocarbons were obtained in a ratio of 2:1, the desired n−propylbenzene being the minor component. What do you think was the major product? How did it arise?


Answer 1


2-Phenylpropane (Cumene)


Famous Friedel Craft Alkylation.

Aluminum Chloride grasped the 1-chloropropane forming an intermediate product composed of Aluminum tetrachloride and n-propylcation. It is well understood that primary carbocations are unstable and therefore undergo hydrogen shifting to attain stability. n-Propylcarbocation undergone hydrogen shifting, forming isopropylcarbocation which reacted with benzene forming 2-Phenylpropane as the major product and HCl as a byproduct.

AlCl3 + CH3CH2CH2Cl --> AlCl4-   +   CH3CH2CH2+

CH3CH2CH2+  ---> CH3CH(+)CH3

C6H6 + CH3CH(+)CH3 ---> C6H5CH(CH3)2   + H+

AlCl4- + H+ ---> HCl + AlCl3

Answer 2


From the given problem statement,he was attempting to prepare n−propylbenzene by alkylation benzene with 1−chloropropane and aluminum chloride,but 1-propyle benze was a major product in result.

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In this case, considering that 1 m equals 10 dm, the required diameter of the atom in decimetres is:

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Best regards.

Final answer:

The diameter of an atom is approximately 1 * 10^-10 * m, which translates to 1 * 10^-11 decimeters by multiplying the meter measurement by 10.


The subject of this question is a unit conversion. We are trying to convert the diameter of an atom from meters to decimeters.

The process is as follows:

  • First, we need to understand that 1 meter equals 10 decimeters because the prefix 'deci-' means one-tenth.
  • So, if the diameter of an atom is approximately 1 * 10^-10 * m, then in decimeters the diameter would be 1 * 10^-11 * dm

In essence, to convert meters to decimeters, we need to multiply the meter measurement by 10. But because the meter measurement of the atom is in the power of -10, the decimeter equivalent would be in the power of -11.

Learn more about Unit Conversion here:


How much heat is transferred when 7.19 grams of H2 reacts with excess nitrogen, according to the following equation: N2(g) + 3 H2 (g) --> 2 NH3 (g) \DeltaΔH = +46.2 kJ





Hello there!

In this case, according to the given chemical reaction, it is possible for us to realize that the 46.2 kJ of energy are given per mole of reaction, which are related to 3 moles of hydrogen; Thus, we can calculate the energy per mole of hydrogen as shown below:

\Delta H=(46.2kJ)/(mol) *(1mol)/(3molH_2)\n\n \Delta H=15.4(kJ)/(molH_2)

Now, to calculate the total energy, we convert the grams to moles of hydrogen as shown below:

Q=7.19gH_2*(1molH_2)/(2.02gmolH_2)*15.4(kJ)/(molH_2) \n\nQ=54.8kJ

Best regards!

I need to find the answer for
_ ML = 8,000,000 L



To find the value of the blank in the equation "_ ML = 8,000,000 L," you can simply fill in the blank with a number:

"_ ML = 8,000,000 L" can be filled in as "8,000 ML = 8,000,000 L."

So, the answer is 8,000 ML.

Culled from AI

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See attachment


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