One of the possible ramifications of this system is that it becomes a reality for a party having a small majority of members to control the entire state's seat in the house.
From the question, it can be seen that the at-large system was used in this voting. This implies that the state's seat were filled by electing from the state as a whole and not by each district. Furthermore, the general ticketing representation makes it possible for the ramification identified because in this method parties are elected, not candidates. Hence the party with the smallest number of members can be elected and then they select their representative to fill the office.
a. Occupy Wall Street is positive; our capitalist economy is only making social inequality grow larger.
Conflict theory states that tensions and conflicts occur when wealth, prestige, and power are distributed unevenly among groups within society and these conflicts created environment for social change. The theory is deeply rooted in Karl Marx's philosophy, which centered on the causes and consequences of the (proliferate) class conflict between the capitalist and working class.
Anyone arrested in the United States has certain rights under the Constitution or laws, including a rapid trial, the right to hear charges to promote defense, and the right to Habeas Corpus. However, in the case of Guantanamo Bay none of these rights are respected. Prisoners cannot even defend themselves against charges simply because there are no formal charges against them. This is because the American legal system has the understanding that the American judicial system does not apply in Guantanamo Bay, which is Cuban territory.
they dont think through actions or statements
b. sleep
c. bio
d. circadian
Answer: He supported the creation of a national bank.
George Washington wanted a central bank because he saw it as a good instrument to run ordely and properly public finances, regulating tax, banknotes, tranfers and currency issues. The topic of a central bank created division within the government. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison opposed the idea because the Constitution did not give that power to the federal government. Nevertheless , Alexander Hamiton argued, based on the Constitution, that it was a "necessary and proper" authority for the bank for the sake of good government.