Which of the following activities takes place during a primary election?


Answer 1
Answer: a proposition is voted on by citizens
Answer 2




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Prudent management practices and regulations, supported by a conservation-minded public, are essential for restoration of wildlife species, populations, and habitat productivity. This allows for continued responsible consumptive and non-consumptive use of some wildlife species by humans.


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To put it simply, here is how the Geosphere interacts with the cryosphere :
Cryosphere Receives snow from the hydrosphere. After a period of time, this will create a glacier, then the Glacier of the Cryosphere will gouge the Geosphere.  Hope this helps 

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The government of North Korea has military parades and citizens are expected to attend. What is the likely purpose of this activity?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

The government of North Korea has military parades and citizens are expected to attend. What is the likely purpose of this activity?

The purpose of these parades is to show the North Korean citizens and the world, that North Korea is a powerful country, trying to send the message that nobody can mess with North Korea.

Let's have in mind that North Korea lives under the dictatorship of Kim Jong II, a powerful dictator that excessively controls North Korean citizens. These people have no liberties. They do not have access to the internet. The government controls everything, even mass media.

So with these parades, the government tries to convey the message that everything is all right, that the country is powerful and prosperous, although its people are very poor.