B. run a marathon without experiencing fatigue.
C. sustain a regular routine of exercise for 30-60 minutes with minimal fatigue.
D. quit your normal exercise routine without any negative effects.
I believe the answer is: C. sustain a regular routine of exercise for 30-60 minutes with minimal fatigue.
Our body is run through constant supply of oxygen. When we do aerobic exercise, the amount of oxygen supply needed to our body would be increased. So, when we keep pushing ourselves to the limit of our cardiovascular capability, our muscle would start to experience fatigue as a defense mechanism to reduce oxygen usage.
B. psychological distress
C. possible transmission to baby for pregnant women
D. all of the above
I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country was spoken by
Nathan Hale
b. getting lots of rest
c. drinking plenty of fluids
d. all of these