Describe three ways that you can use everyday behaviors to prevent the spread of communicable disease


Answer 1



Answer 2



To prevent the spread of communicable diseases, one can avoid sharing personal items, wash hands, stay away from public places when ill and limit exposure to individuals with contagious diseases.

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Slow twitch muscle fibers have a high resistance to fatigue true or false


It is true that slow twitch muscle fibers have a high resistance to fatigue.

Further Explanation

Skeletal muscle is consists of hundreds or thousands of individual muscle fibers called myocytes which are bundled together. Each myocyte contains several myofibrils. Myofibrils are strands of protein that grab and pull each other. When this happens, the muscle shortens and this causes the muscle to contract.

Endurance and Speed

Slow twitch muscle fibers are great for endurance activities like long distance running, swimming and cycling. They can work for a long period of time without fatigue. While Fast twitch muscle fibers are great for rapid activities like sprinting to catch the bus or jumping to steal a ball. They contract quickly but get fatigued quickly for they consume lots of energy.

Slow twitch and fast twitch muscle fibers create energy in different ways

Red is the color of the muscle that contains a lot of slow twitch fibers because they have a large number of blood vessels. Slow twitch muscle depends on a rich supply of oxygen in the blood. They use this oxygen to create energy for muscle contraction.

Fast twitch muscle fibers do not use oxygen thus do not rely on the blood supply. Instead, they use anaerobic metabolism to create energy. They are lighter in color than slow twitch muscle fibers.  

Anaerobic metabolism is the production of energy via burning of carbohydrates without the presence of oxygen.


Slow Twitch Muscle Fibers

  • Uses oxygen to produce large amount of energy
  • They contract slowly but can endure for long period of time  
  • Good for endurance activities such as marathon

Fast Twitch Muscle Fibers

  • Does not use oxygen to create energy, instead they use anaerobic metabolism to create energy
  • They produce small amount of energy
  • They contract quickly but fatigue quickly
  • Good for sprinters

Learn more:

  1. Muscle Training
  2. Muscle Strain

Keywords: muscle, muscle fiber, slow twitch, fast twitch

It is true that slow twitch muscle fibres have significant levels of fatigue resistance. Type I fibres, usually referred to as slow-twitch muscle fibres, are designed specifically for endurance exercises.

These muscles can withstand fatigue better than other muscle fibres because they are built to contract slowly and consistently for an extended length of time. Myoglobin and mitochondria, two substances that help produce energy and are essential for endurance activities, are abundant in slow twitch fibres.

In order to assist the muscle fibres get oxygen and other nutrients, slow twitch fibres also have a lot of capillaries. As a result, the muscle may exert itself for extended periods of time before becoming fatigued.

Learn more about  muscle fibers at: