According to the tenth amendment who has the powers not mentioned in the constitution


Answer 1
Answer: The states have the powers not listed

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President Johnson announced that the union was restored in


President Johnson announced that the union was restored in December 1865

Final answer:

President Andrew Johnson, following Lincoln's plan, wished to quickly reincorporate the South back into the Union under lenient terms. By the end of 1865, Johnson believed the union was restored, a view that was in stark conflict with the northern Radical Republicans who felt his approach was too lenient.


The U.S. president Johnson in question refers to President Andrew Johnson who served as the leader of the country after the assassination of President Lincoln in 1865. Johnson was charged with the difficult task of Reconstruction or restoring the South after the Civil War. His policy was to reincorporate the Southern states back into the Union as quickly as possible under lenient terms. This approach was in line with Lincoln's view that the Southern states had never legally seceded from the Union and therefore still had certain rights to self-government as states.

By the end of 1865, Johnson believed that this process was mostly complete. He required Southern states to hold state conventions where they had to repeal the ordinances of secession and ratify the Thirteenth Amendment. Once these procedures were carried out, Johnson considered these states to be readmitted to the Union. In 1866, Johnson announced that all former Confederate states had met these requirements and were therefore restored to the Union.

However, this declaration caused significant disagreements with many in the northern Radical Republican party, who believed that Johnson was too lenient on the South and didn't do enough to defend the rights of the formerly enslaved people. This political conflict would continue throughout Johnson's presidency and contributed to his eventual impeachment.

Learn more about Restoration of the Union here:
