The work done by an engine equals one-fourth the energy it absorbs from a reservoir. True or False


Answer 1

True IF the engine is 25% efficient. False otherwise.

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intravenous infusions are usually made with the help of the gravitational force. assuming that the density of the fluid being administered is 1,020 kg/m3, at what height should the iv bag be placed above the entry point so that the fluid just enters the vein if the blood pressure in the vein is 2.7 x 103 pa above atmospheric pressure? assume that the iv bag is collapsible. (hint: atmospheric pressure is applicable in the entire situation)


The IV bag should be placed approximately 10.19 meters above the entry point to ensure that the fluid just enters the vein, considering the blood pressure in the vein and assuming atmospheric pressure is applied.


Density of the fluid being administered = 1,020 kg/m³

Blood pressure in the vein = 2.7 × 10³ Pa above atmospheric pressure

Since the fluid is administered using gravitational force, the pressure at the entry point of the vein should be higher than the pressure at the IV bag.

The pressure difference can be calculated using the formula:

Pressure difference = density × gravitational acceleration × h

The pressure difference should be equal to the sum of the blood pressure in the vein and the atmospheric pressure:

Pressure difference = (blood pressure in the vein) + (atmospheric pressure)

h = (pressure difference) / (density × gravitational acceleration)

h = [(2.7 × 10³) + (101,325)] / (1,020 × 9.8)

h ≈ 10.19 meters

Therefore, the IV bag should be placed approximately 10.19 meters above the entry point to ensure that the fluid just enters the vein, considering the blood pressure in the vein and assuming atmospheric pressure is applicable throughout the situation.

To know more about atmospheric pressure:


Work equal to 136.0 Joules is expanded in moving 8.5*10^18 electrons between two points in an electric circuit. What potential difference does this estabilish between the two points? A ball is thrown into the air. At the highest point, the ball has zero velocity and zero acceleration. Is it true or false and why?


Voltage = joules/coulomb

1 coulomb = 6.25 x 10^18 electrons
8.5 x 10^18 electrons = 1.36 coulombs

136 joules / 1.36 coulombs = 100 volts
The statement regarding the ball is false. Any object that's not hanging from something
or resting on something is accelerating downward on account of gravity. No matter what
direction you throw the ball, or how hard, its acceleration is 9.8 meters per second^2
directed downward, from the instant it leaves your hand until it hits the ground.

How small are the wavelengths of gamma ray radiation? A. smaller than an atom B. about the size of a golf ball C. about 10 times the size of an atom D. about the size of earth **:( thank you!!


Electromagnetic waves about the size of a golf ball are used for
microwave radio communication and radar every day.

Electromagnetic waves that are about 4-1/2 inches long are used
in the microwave oven to heat leftover meatloaf and make popcorn .

Electromagnetic waves that are 10 times the size of an atom
are hard hard X-rays.

Electromagnetic waves that are the size of Earth's diameter
are used for ELF communications, including standard time
signals, and submarine communication.

Mechanical waves that are the same order of magnitude as
the Earth are seismic (earthquake) waves.

Gamma rays are electromagnetic waves with wavelengths in the
neighborhood of the same size as the atomic nucleus. To get
some idea of their frequency, just contemplate how long it would
take light ... (which can get to the moon in a couple of seconds) ...
to move from one side of an atomic nucleus to the other side.

The correct answer is: A. Smaller than an atom.

Solid substances can exist in more than one form. A.True B.False


A. True

Solid substances can indeed exist in more than one form, a phenomenon known as "allotropy" or "polymorphism." In allotropy, the same element or compound can have different crystal structures or arrangements of atoms in the solid state, resulting in distinct physical properties.

Common examples include carbon, which can exist as both diamond and graphite, and sulfur, which has multiple crystalline forms. These different forms of solids can have different properties, such as hardness, density, and electrical conductivity, even though they are made up of the same chemical elements.

If all of the forces acting on an object balance so that the net force is zero, then(A) the object must be at rest
(B) the object’s speed will decrease
(C) the object will follow a parabolic trajectory
(D) the object’s direction of motion can change, but its speed cannot
(E) None of the above


What is required to cause acceleration?


F = ma

Where m = mass of body,  a = acceleration.

F = ma = m(v - u)/t

So for an acceleration to occur, a force is required.

Also a change of velocity is required for acceleration to occur.