In "Tokyo," Ryo and Tsuruishi have all of the following in common except (1 point)they both have children
they have both been married
they are familiar with Siberia
they are both rebuilding their lives


Answer 1
Answer: It is not at all a difficult answer, as the point can be easily understood after one has gone through "Tokyo". In "Tokyo," Ryo and Tsuruishi have all of the following in common except that they both have children. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the first option and i hope that this helps you.
Answer 2

I believe the answer is: they both have children

In the story, only Ryo has children while Tsuruishi doesn't have any. The story depict a story about the struggle of ryo the world war period. Her husband went missing because he was captured in Siberia and Japan was experiencing massive recession due to the war.

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Hope this helps :)

SHARKS' TEETHLangston Carter

The day we found the sharks' teeth was foggy and cool. Moisture hung in the air so thick you could almost see it sparkling in the dim sunlight. There were days, early in the summer like this one, where it seemed there was more water in the air than in the bay. We had beached the boat and stepped out on the recently cleared spit of land. The ground had a light dusting of white sand over an under layer of dried black mud. It looked like a recently frosted chocolate cake, though the frosting was spread a bit thin for my taste. The ground was solid, but we knew from experience that it was full of fiddler crab holes, and would be underwater at the first super-high tide. Mysteriously, to us anyway, someone wanted to build a house there.

We often came to these spots to look for artifacts. Our beach, our summer home, had been a fishing camp for as long as anyone living could remember. The oldest stories told of travelers coming down to the edge of the sea, lining up to fill their wagon beds with salted fish to take back home. Old decaying cabins still lined the beach. Rotting nets, hung out to dry in the last century, decorated their weathered walls. Their broken faces spun stories in our minds. The fishermen who, tanned and wrinkled from sun and salt, hauled their nets full of splashing mullet in to cheers from the waiting crowds. The bounty of the sea lightened everyone's hearts, and the smell of roasting fish filled the damp air. Women fanned themselves from wagon seats. Children splashed in the shallow edges of the bay. It was a scene we had acted out as youngsters, building an imaginary bridge to a life we would never fully know.

Which of the following describes the structure of this excerpt from "Sharks' Teeth" so far?

Conflict and rising action
Climax and resolution
Rising action and reflection
Setting and character development


The best and most correct answer among the choices provided by the question is the third choice.

The structure of the excerpt mainly depicts the rising action and reflection of the narrative.
I hope my answer has come to your help. God bless and have a nice day ahead!

Answer: Rising action and reflection

The best way to describe the structure of the text so far is as "rising action" and "reflection." The first part of the passage constitutes the rising action, as the author introduces the setting and the basic information that is needed for the story, such as the fact that even though the setting is not very pleasant, someone wants to build a house in that location. The second section refers to the reflection, as the speaker thinks about what he used to do in the past, and what the setting looked like back then.

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When dealing with poetry, the letters of the alphabet are used to indicate _____. the rhyme scheme of a sonnet the rhythm of a sonnet neither a nor b both a and b


Alphabet letters are used to indicate the rhyme scheme of the sonnet. The rhythm is marked with dashes and other non letter markings.

The answer is: the rhyme scheme of a sonnet  

The rhyme scheme is the patter used by the author to make the lines of the poem rhyme, for each ending pattern of a line is assign a letter, let analyze the following stanza from “ME, MYSELF, & I” as an example:

The coolness of the night  A

Refreshes my skin.  B

The stars shine so bright,  A

Causing me to grin.   B

After identifying the first ending “ight” and assign a letter to the sound “A”, you can proceed with the second, where the ending is “in” and assign the letter “B”, then in the third line the ending is the same that in the first one so the letter is repeated and the same with the second and forth line obtaining a ABAB rhyme scheme.  This is how the letters of the alphabet are used to defined the rhyme scheme of a sonnet .