How many songs did Michael Jackson sing?A.) 130
B.) 170
C.) 150
D.) 140


Answer 1


Erm..... A?? I have no clue, so don't bash me-


Answer 2
Answer: B I think don’t be mad if it’s wrong

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Parallel construction means that you A. use the same grammatical construction in all similar headings throughout an outline.
B. begin each paragraph of your essay in the same way.
C. repeat the first paragraph of your essay as the last paragraph.
D. give both sides of the argument in your essay.


B. Use of the same grammatical construction in all similar headings.

Parallel construction means the same grammatical construction used repeatedly many times in the same text. It involves using elements in sentences that are grammatically similar or identical in structure sound, meaning, or meter. This style adds symmetry, effectiveness and balance to the written piece. 

Parallelism is the similarity of grammar for similar meaning components inside or between sentences. The grammatical form of parallelism should be used to represent sentences with two or more parallel ideas. use the same grammatical construction in all similar headings throughout an outline in parallel construction. The correct option is A.

When words or phrases are written in parallel, they have the same structure. In a list, if one phrase starts with "of," the others should, too. If one word employs a verb whose ending is "ing," then the other sentences should, too.

Each part of a sentence must employ the same grammatical structure because parallel ideas must be conveyed in parallel grammatical form.

Thus the correct option is A.

To know more about Parallel construction, visit;


Choose the correct pronoun in the sentence below us/we vegetarians sometimes find it hard to eat in restaurants


We vegeterians sometims find it hard to eat in restaurants
A subject pronoun is necessary,
So, We,vegetarians sometimes find it hard to eat in restaurants´.
Not any more,as there are so many veg.restaurants all over the city.

Which characteristic of neoclassical poetry is displayed in this excerpt from the poem “Goliath of Gath” by Phillis Wheatley?


I believe the answer is heroic couplets, which is a traditional form for English poetry, commonly used in epic and narrative poetry, and consisting of a rhyming pair of lines in iambic pentameter. 


I believe the answer is heroic couplets


It is a traditional form for English poetry, commonly used in epic and narrative poetry, and consisting of a rhyming pair of lines in iambic pentameter.  

A friend is going to visit the city where your cousin lives. Your cousin has agreed to show your friend around the city. They have never met before .Write an email of at least 100 words to your cousin and:
-describe your friend's appearance
-describe your friend's personality
-mention some of your friend's interests
-thank your cousin for agreeing to show your friend around.


Hi cous! I'll tell you abit about her before you meet, so you know what to expect! Thanks again for offering to do this by the way! I owe you big time! Well she is 14, like us, fortunately! Also, I just know you will end up being such amazing friends! She is the sort of person who never forgets your birthday, and always remembers all the things you like, so you never get a gift that you wont like! She's super easy going and easy to get along with, and always makes sure its not awkward, there is never a dull moment when she's around! She makes a great friend, who would make an amazing doctor as she's so caring and always makes sure your alright! One thing you must know is that she is very much into skateboarding, and if you want to learn how to skate, she's the right person to see! She has tanned skin with bright blue eyes and dark brown wavy hair all the way down to her hips, her hair is her pride and joy ahah so make sure you compliment her on it, she will love you immediately if you do! She's got a really friendly, kind smile, and is around 5ft5. So she's a little bit taller than me, so you can picture how she will measure upto you. She is quite slim, but dont let this decive you, she's a beast when it comes to arm wrestling! She has a really cool personality and I cant imagine anyone who wouldnt like her! She has amazing fashion sense, and I always come to her when I go shopping as she knows exactly what looks good! Anyways, thanks so much again for offering to do this, I know how much fun you will have, and how good friends you will be after! Speak soon, bye:)
It would go something along the lines of this - (I'll write the basis, you fill in the gaps)


As you know, my friend is coming to your city to have a look around. They will meet you at the train station at 9.00 am, and will be waiting at the front gate. They have ____ hair, _____ eyes, glasses and will be wearing a ____ shirt and a pair of jeans.

I think you two will get on well, just like you, they have a _____ sense of humour, they like to play ____ and listen to ____. They are quite ____ at first, but once you get to know them, they are actually quite ____.

Thank you so much for agreeing to this, and hopefully you will have a new friend too!



thats 119 words.

Internal motivation is:A. coming from the outside.
B. inner-directed.
C. goal-oriented.
D. performance-oriented.


Internal motivation is B) , inner directed ,  if it is internal this means that it is coming from the inside. 

My reason for this is because , When you are studying for something you are thinking to yourself , so this is you thinking internally so this statement is internal.

i hope this helps.

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern were not captured by the pirates. True False


Hi there!

The answer to this question is True.

Your friend, ASIAX
this is true I'm sure